Cast and pre scene

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Tanis- gree
Vinnie- Dezon
Echo- Wyat
Thug 1
Thug 2(the hammer)-Luke
Assistant- Gree
Picture victim-
Undercover cop/John- Cameron
Undercover fbi/thug 3- mason
Doctor- gree
Extras- Gwen, Nathan, Gavin, Moscow kids,

Gregory is walking down the road, in a suit, he is joined by Dezon, then by Levi, and Wyat. As they continue walking more and more people join, in less formal stuff. we all stop in front of the camera and start speaking:
Gregory: billy maze here
Wyat: I'm jake, from state farm
Dezon: Bond, James bond.
Levi: bob the bounce
Gregory: and we are here to discuss the movie you are about to see, it took (insert length of time) of hard work and planning, (insert number) of rewrites and recastings. And a total of (insert number of hours here) to film and edit.
Wyat: we had to beg, borrow, steal, to obtain the necessary materials.
Dezon: dude! Don't incriminate us on video!
Gregory: please everyone settle down! We advise you to enjoy this movie with some caution, Because this movie is rated r, for references, and nerdgasms. Now without further ado, we present to you... (Title pending)

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