Scene 5

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Tanis and Vinnie are sitting at a table, Tanis has a cup of coffee, Vinnie is twirling his thumbs.
Tanis: easy vin, take a chill pill.
Vinnie: take a chill pill? Do you understand our situation at all? We are dealing with a psychopath! We need to get help! Join the witness protection program! Hire bodyguards! Move!
Tanis: your absolutely right! I have a plan, first we dump the intel, then we change our names, hop the Canadian border and live out the rest of our lives as lumberjacks somewhere in Toronto!
Vinnie: now your talking!
Tanis: Of course we'll have to change our roles as well, I just hope I can get used to being your sidekick. Maybe I should contact Robert about that controversial skin surgery.
Vinnie: alright you, wait what? (Vinnie stares at Tanis for a second.)
Tanis: nothing, nothing at all. (both stare at the envelope, after a moment Vinnie sighs.)
Vinnie: what are we gonna do man?
Tanis: did you just miss the whole Canada plan?
Vinnie: come on man, we can't do that to everyone.
Tanis: why not? (doorbell rings, Tanis looks out. Thug 1 and 2 are standing there. Tanis calmly turns around and walks to the table, he sits down and finishes his coffee.) I have an answer to what we are going to do now. (puts on jacket and throws Vinnie his.)
Vinnie: huh? Who's at the door?
Tanis: our friends from earlier, I think it's time we went for a walk, don't you agree? (he grabs a bag and throws it on as he walks out)
Vinnie nods, calmly puts on his coat and walks towards the back door, Tanis follows. Door opens offscreen, both clem and Vinnie can be seen running from window.
Thugs 1 and 2 come into the the house look around then chases after them.

Tanis and Vinnie are running, they run past a playground and start to slow down.
Vinnie: Tanis wait, I have to slow up (panting)
Tanis: it's ok, I think we lost them (panting)
They round the corner, and bump into thug 1.
Thug 1: well, look what we have here, I'll take that! (grabs envelope from Clem.)
Thug 2 comes around corner and pulls knife, Vinnie turns and looks at him.
Vinnie: Tanis, what are we gonna do?
Clem: hold on I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I got it! Remember Seattle?
Vinnie: huh? Oh no, Tanis no! This isn't a game!
Tanis: well then I suggest we try even harder.
Thug 1: well boys, it's a shame you pulled that trick last time, now I'm gonna kill you. (pulls gun and points it at Tanis.)
Tanis: hold on, don't I get some last words?
Thug 1: make it quick.
Tanis: alright, I just think you should know that we've been in this situation before, and that's why... (Tanis pulls a nerf gun Vinnie does likewise.) we always carry these.
Thug 1: it seems we're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise.
Tanis: it sure does seem that way.
Thug 1: why don't we all just lower our guns and walk away?
Tanis: alright, that sounds reasonable. (all start to lower weapons, Tanis throws a water bottle at thug 1 and charges. Vinnie runs at thug 2 fight starts.)
Tanis: quick Vin run!
(Vinnie takes off running)
(Tanis follows after taking the envelope from thug 1, then both keep running, it doesn't take long before thug 1 and 2 are both chasing after them, thug 1 reaches for his gun as a car comes into view. Thug 1 puts his gun back and slows)
Thug 1: next time I'll get you my pretties!

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