Chapter Ten: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" A hand grabbed on his shoulder, making him jump and snap back to the present, "Are you okay?" Scott asked. They were standing in the alleyway, but the little girl and the rabbit were gone.

"There's a-another one." Nick's voice cracked, "She was killed right here." He sighed, "They're trapped."


They removed the planks of wood blocking the main entrance of the place then pushed open the heavy doors, the pizzeria was damp and crumbling, there were holes on the ceiling, the checkered black and white tiled floor were either yellowed or shattered. They were met with a hallway dividing into two more hallways: one going straight to the dining area while the other one going left and leading to the restrooms.

The three removed their raincoats and Scott searched for the pizzeria's main power switch near the main entrance. Eventually he found it then switched it on. Some of the lights flickered on, giving them light inside the dark abandoned restaurant.

They moved to the old main hall where parties used to be held: The tables at the main hall were rotting, eaten away by the termites. To their right was the show stage missing a large chunk of the platform that had collapsed on the floor. Up front was Pirate's Cove, the purple curtains were torn apart and riddled with holes, the 'Out of Order' sign was on the ground, covered by a pile of dead leaves. Near the show stage was the said Safe Room, where they found Springtrap a week ago where its doors were left wide open.

Nick walked towards the room and moved his flashlight around. He took another step and felt a log near his foot.

He gasped, it was a purple animatronic limb with wires sticking out from both ends and joints eaten away by rust. Next to it was a yellow hand, also had wires coming from its dismembered socket. He moved the flashlight around and saw a decapitated Bonnie head, its purple skin was half-shredded exposing its inner frame that made up its face, and it was missing an eye and an ear. After that he found a Chica torso with its head still attached to it, its eyes staring blankly up the sky. Then a headless Foxy laid there in the same state like the others: dislocated limbs. The Freddy animatronic had its left arm and leg missing, and beside it was an old rusty axe. Seeing the animatronics in this state of disrepair made Nick's heart sink.

Then his sights dimmed and the pain drilled into his head, he clutched his head and screamed in agony.

"Nick! Nick!" Jodi's voice echoed but he could not find her, he found himself inside another suit seeing through eyeholes of a Freddy Fazbear head, facing rows of tables only illuminated by the moonlight. He moved his head sideward to the right, he saw Bonnie standing there, looking up front. He moved away from the eerie stare and looked the other side: Chica was also faced up front, her beak hanging open. He again moved his head away only to be blocked by the puppet's pale and ghostly face that stood in his view. It had white dots for pupils staring into his soul, following wherever he looked.

Then the puppet moved away from him and went in front of Bonnie, Nick watched it reach out its slender hand to the bunny and placed it on its head. The puppet's head bowed down as it gently ran its hand along the head of the animatronic.

After that, Bonnie's eyes began moving along with its legs and arms, at first it twitched but then its movements became fluid, moving like a human being. The moment Bonnie's eyes met his gaze he felt the sadness and helplessness in its scarlet irises.

"Help us." Bonnie said. "Please."

He glanced back at the puppet and saw it raise its hands, he was surprised that its feet weren't touching the ground. Soon after, Chica beside him moved as well, and at the far end of the dining room Foxy stepped into the moonlight.

The puppet hovered in front of him and nodded, "Save us. Set us free." The little girl's voice came from the marionette. Then everything vanished.

He opened his eyes, Jodi and Scott were kneeling in front of him with Jodi holding his hands and rubbing them between hers, trying to bring the heat back to his cold palms. He was covered in cold sweat and his clothes were soaked both by it and the rain. He was sitting on the floor with his back laying on a collapsed table.

"Th-the puppet." He shivered.

"What?" Scott spoke up.

"The puppet, sh-she c-can help. We need to f-find her." He shut his eyes again and recalled the images that flashed in his head. He racked his brain until he remembered the one they needed: the man locking away the puppet behind a wall. The image was unclear, but he could tell that it also happened in this place, there were vague colors of black and white: the pizzeria's floors. "—she can help us."

The two helped him stand, handed him his flashlight and walked about the room, searching for the place where the puppet was hidden.

"Where did he keep her?" asked Jodi.

"I can't remember." His headache still hasn't gone, it was still tormenting him. "Start searching, we have to act fast, that animatronic will be here soon." He said.

Then a sound of sirens came from outside, the three ran back to the door and saw another police car roof behind the tree, bright flashing red and blue lights on it.

"It's the backup." Scott said, "You two stay here and start searching for that thing." He loaded his shotgun and went outside, walking across the parking lot to its entrance that was blocked by the oak tree.

Nick took Jodi back inside the place, gave her the crowbar and held her hand tightly. His heart throbbed, both by fear and anxiety as he looked into Jodi's eyes, "We need to split up, look for any hidden walls in this place. And once you do, break through it."

"Will you be alright?" She asked, her tone was shaky, nervous of the upcoming terror.

He placed his hand on her cheek, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." He half smiled, "Listen, we can end this. Once this is done, it'll all be over."

He took a deep breath and cocked his gun, "Ready?" He asked and Jodi nodded, "Okay."

But Jodi didn't let go of his hand. Instead, she pulled him back close to her then kissed him on the cheek. Nick was initially shocked by this, but he never pulled away from the tight embrace.

After pulling away, she pressed their foreheads together, "Be careful." Jodi said under her breath, "Promise me that, okay?"

"I promise." He replied before they eventually began searching the place, Nick venturing to the backstage while Jodi going to the restrooms.


The detective left the two back inside the restaurant and walked across the empty parking lot, moving his flashlight around while he moved in case that something is hidden in the shadows. His breath shortened as his heart pumped rapidly, the darkness was unnerving, only the lights from the police cars, distant streetlights and his own flashlight stood out in the dark.

"Hello? Officer Dunn?" Scott called out, but no one responded, there was only the loud buzzing of the radio from the car. "Dunn?" He said again. He approached the tree, clutching his shotgun tightly while he went around it.

For the first time in his entire career, Scott felt the nervousness knowing that what they're dealing with is not human. It was much, much worse.

The moment he saw the entire car his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock, the two officers in the car were dangling by their seatbelt out of the door with their throats slit open, blood gushing out of it then dripping on the ground.

Scott trembled in fear as he saw the backseat door wide open with a trail of blood on the car's body leading to the back. The detective cautiously moved closer to the cruiser and silently followed the trail, leading around the car and to its trunk. He checked behind him before reaching out a hand to the trunk's metal handle, trembling as his fingers pulled up the lid. He aimed his gun the moment the lid sprang open.

There was nothing in there.

Scott closed back the trunk only to see the animatronic's reflection on the lid's handle.

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