"Losing one game isn't going to kill anybody," I said. "It might save somebody," I whispered.

"Fine ! Don't play ! We'll probably win anyway ! And after that, I'll introduce Allison to all hot players of the team ! And Scott McCall can stay home, watching some porn!" (This is actually what she says incase any of you haven't seen the programme)


"So, Lydia's introducing him to everyone?" I asked Allsin after Lydia and one of the lacrosse players walked away.

"She's being so, unbelievably nice!"
"Yeah, but I wonder why?" I asked, more to myself than anything.

"I guess she gets how much being the girl sucks." I looked down and noticed she was holding her jacket. The one Derek took and hid in the woods.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked her, pointing at the jacket.

"I think Lydia brought it back from the party. She has my combination."

"Did she bring it back or did someone give it to her?"

"Like who?" She quizzed.

"Like Derek," I said, my pulse starting to raise.

"You're friend?" She asked.

"He is NOT my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?"

"Not much, it was kind of awkward actually," she pointed out.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I... I have to go to class," she said and pointed behind her. She started walking away.


"DEREK! DEREK!" I shouted, knowing he could hear me. I looked around and noticed a patch of freshly dug dirt. When I looked back, he was standing on the end of his porch. "Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything!"

"Yeah? What if she does? You think you're little buddy, Stiles, can just google 'werewolf and now you've got all the answers, is that it? You don't get it, but I'm looking out for you. Think about what could happen. You're on the field, the aggression takes over and you SHIFT in front of everyone! Your mom, all your friends," he picks up my lacrosse stick and points it to my chest. I try to swat it away. "And when they see you," he takes out his claws and rips the net on the stick. "Everything, falls, apart." He threw my stick in the air and disappeared.

"Oh, and Scott? Tell your sister I said hi."

McKenzie P.O.V

I was sitting at home studying when Scott bursts in my room.

"Derek's the killer! He killed the girl in the woods!" He shouted, whilst pacing back and forth. He suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"I need you to stay away from him. Can you please just stay away from him? Just until we find out if he is the killer or not." Scott said. I could see there was a war going on behind his eyes. He asked me, yet a part of him wanted to demand I stay away from him. I nodded, afraid that if I said no he would flip out and try to hurt Derek.

"Thankyou," He said, then enveloped me in a hug. I simply nodded against his chest. "I'm gonna text Stiles and tell him what I found. Have some clothes you don't mind getting dirty ready."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because tonight, we're digging up a body,"


Red Eyes {Teen Wolf/Derek Hale}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя