Chapter 2- school days and secrets

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Helloooo! To the 6 people that are reading this fanfic!! Thanks! Looks like some people know how to pick their books/fanfics. LOL JK.

Nuff said, go ahead and read you little dirty peasant you.


Chapter 2

-the next morning-

Mayden's POV


I was awoken from a loud noise coming from......the kitchen? I got up from where I had slept on the floor and went to the kitchen. Harry and Zayn were in there.

Great they were making pancakes. Sarcasm, they can't cook without having something set on fire. Just kidding, they still can't cook though.

"Morning." Zayn said giving me a warm smile.

"Morning," I said back. "What are you guys making?" Even though I already knew what they were cooking, I had to ask.


"Uh oh." I laughed.

"Hey, we aren't that bad at cooking."

"You kinda are." I laughed again. "What was that loud thud I heard when I woke up?"

"Oh, I dropped the pan on the floor." Harry said

"Nice one mr. Styles."


I giggled. "Do you guys have an orange juice?"


".....can I have some?" Idiots.

"Oh yeah it's in the fridge." I took it out and grabbed a glass.

I poured some into my glass and sat down on the counter watching them cook. Soon after they were done making pancakes and we sat down to eat.

Louis came in looking all tired. "Morning." He said with his thick British accent.

The things this boy does to me. Wait what? I don't like Louis. Do I? No, I like him as a friend not a boyfriend. Ok I'm lying, I do like him. Not because he's in a world famous boyband, because he's my best friend.

I've known him for 16 years. Did I mention we both lived in London? And we both are British? But I'm also Irish. So I'm pretty much related to the boys.

Anyway, back to reality. "Morning." We all said. Following Louis came Liam then niall.

"Who made breakfast?" Liam asked.

"I did!" Harry and Zayn said in childish voices. What's up with them and child voices?

"Uh oh." Liam said.

"Who cares I'm hungry!" Niall said digging into a plate of pancakes. "Did you make bacon too?" He said with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Yup." Harry said grabbing the plate of bacon from the counter. We all ate breakfast and and got changed. I grabbed my backpack, keys, and my phone.

"Hurry up guys we're gonna be late for school!" Liam yelled from the front door. Why are they going to school you may be asking?

Well, they got back from their TMH tour and are now at home for a few months, so they decided to go back to school for a while.

"Coming!" We all yelled from different directions. No pun used.

We went outside and got into Harry's Range Rover. Harry and me in the front. Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall in the back. We arrived at the school and we got out of harry's car.

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