Chapter 9

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(As promised, chapter 9. Enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.)


These last few days have been a blur.

I still have my stupid crutches, A bunch of elder wolves are coming to speak to Alex and I have a bad feeling something's going to happen.

"Mel, you should eat. " Aiden said while pushing my plate of pancakes toward me. I pushed it away again and looked out of the window.

I still can't shake this creepy feeling I have. It's turning my stomach inside out.

Aiden sighed in defeat, "Why won't you eat?"

"Not hungry." I stood slowly and grabbed my crutches.

I limped my way to the stairs and started hopping down.

I was halfway down and my crutch got stuck on the stair railing.

I felt my body slam against the stairs for a split second but then I felt someone catch me.

"Woah, are you okay?"

I looked up to see one of the elders had caught me. He was a bit young to be an elder but I could feel the power in his blood. His eyes were a piercing grey that made a shiver run down my spine.

I slowly nodded, he put me on the nearest couch and sat beside me.

Aiden rushed down the stairs, he immediately checked me for anymore wounds and found none.

"I'm sorry Mel. I should have helped you."

I chuckled and patted his head. I looked over to the elder and thanked him. He nodded and asked, "How did you injure your leg?"

"I just had a little scrap with someone, no big deal." I said awkwardly. He looked at Aiden with a stern look on his face, "You need to take better care of your mate, little omega. Understand?"

Aiden put his head down in submission and nodded his head.

Alex came downstairs with Stormy beside him, "Forgive me. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

There were 2 elders in the room, they stood in front of my brother.

They followed him upstairs, the elder that helped me smiled before jogging up the stairs caught up with the other elders.



The elders were early, I held Storm's hand to comfort her as we were walking. This was her first time in one of my meetings. I need to get her used to being a Luna. It's really hard to tell an omega give orders to those around them. Peter (My beta) caught up with us and walk behind the elders.

She's improving though, and I'm proud of her. She smiles more and she a lot more excited.

We entered the conference room and sat down, the head elder; Omar began the meeting.

"Alpha Alex, We were summoned here by the alpha of the Fury Pack. I am accompanied by Elder Mica, Elder Jaden, and my son Elder Silas. "

I stood, "Thank you for meeting me. It is an honor to be in front of you today. I am here with my mate and Luna; Stormy and my beta Peter. My mate is fairly new to her position so please excuse her for being shy."

Stormy slowly stood and bowed her head shakily, "N-nice to meet you."

We all sat down and I told then everything, from Stormy leaving her pack to the threat that Mark said.

The elder began to speak amongst themselves. I rubbed Stormy's arm and mind linked Peter.

"Peter, what are you thinking?"

"We're gonna have a war on our hands."


The thought of them attacking angered me. I haven't told the pack about it yet. I don't know what to do.

"Alex, are you okay?" Stormy asked quietly. I looked at her and smile slightly, "I'm fine"

She looked directly in my eyes and I could see how her eyes had flecks of green in them. I never noticed how beautiful her eyes were.

I heard Elder Omar clear his throat, I looked at him and watched him stand.
"Alex, this situation can be fixed. It will take time. If the Easter moon pack were to attack, you have full permission to execute them. Silas will stay here and report and strange behavior. If a war were to happen, I will immediately send my war wolves to aid you."

I nodded, "Thank you Elder Omar."

He nodded and they all left.



It was late. I lied in Alex's arms thinking about the possibilities of war.

I know they treated me like crap but... killing them? It's inhumane, their my brothers. Alex seems to forget that.

I felt him stir before mumbling, "What's wrong Storm?"


He opened his eyes slowly, "I can feel your discomfort. Tell me what's wrong."

I sat up and told him how I felt. He sighed and got out of bed.

I watched him as he walked to our bathroom and washed his face, he walked back toward me and crouched in front of me with his hand on my knee.

"I'm sorry Storm, I should be thinking about your feelings on this but there's nothing I can do about it. Your brothers threatened to attack my pack. OUR pack. We have to protect them. Please understand that. "

I nodded slowly, "Yeah.... I understand."

He smiled sadly and kissed my forehead, "My dad mind linked me, I'll be right back. Try and get some rest."


The next morning, Everyone was training. Elder Silas and Alex were training the war wolves. Aiden had finally been accepted into the war wolves so he was no longer an omega.

Mel sat beside me playing a game on her phone. I watched as Alex began ordering them in his alpha tone. I gotta admit, its kinda hot. I smiled and continued to watch him.

He looked around and suddenly his eyes met mine, the world around us faded away. It was just us. His emerald eyes shined in the sunlight. He winked and I blushed looking away.

I looked toward Mel, she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Well that was awkward." She said grabbing her crutches.

"Let's go sit in the AC. I can't stand the heat."

I nodded and followed her inside.

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