"Because, you're crying." Beast Boy(2) answered.

Raven blinked and felt the wetness on her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and then stood, "Uh, I'm going to go up on the roof. Don't worry about me crying. And don't tell anyone."

And with that Raven left the counterparts behind as she teleported to the roof. She could still feel the wetness staining her cheeks, "Uh, why can't you stop crying?"

Raven sat on the edge of the tower and stared out to the sun, it was slowly going down, so slowly that you couldn't really tell it was moving.

The thoughts started to form in her mind once again, and it saddened her. And emotion she wasn't sure how to handle. It was new and it made her want to cry. Just louder. It made her want to just drop everything and just run away from all of this.

She looked at the bottom of the tower, I could just fall.... They would think it was an accident and that I didn't think of levitating to safety. They'll be safe at least. If I die now, it would solve everything.

Raven looked away from the ground, there's no escaping the future, "There's no escaping destiny."

"Why would you say that?" a voice behind her said.

Raven looked behind her and saw Robin. She looked away again, and said nothing.

Robin came up next to her and sat, "Is something bothering you, Raven? You can always tell me."

If I tell you, you'll hate me.... Raven sighed, "It's nothing, Robin. It's a personal problem. Nothing to concern yourself with."

"No, it's more than that. Raven, you've been crying. What's the matter, Raven? Tell me." Robin urged.

"I don't want to upset you, Robin. Please, just let it go." Raven said.

Robin surprised her by bringing her close and hugging her. It was a sisterly and brotherly hug. It wasn't intimate, it was just a hug for comfort. 

That's all it took to make Raven start to cry more. She was sobbing in his shoulder and he stayed silent, letting her cry. He knew that was what she needed. She just needed to let some emotion out, and he needed to be there to help her through it.

"It's going to be alright, Rae." Robin whispered.

No, it's not, Robin.....

No, it's not.


"Raven? Crying? You've got to be joking! Rae never cries. Or laughs, or anything that shows emotion." Beast Boy said incredulously as Raven(2) and Beast Boy(2) explained what just happened.

"I'm telling you, she really was crying. She was fine at first, but then she cried." Beast Boy(2) said seriously.

"Someone should go check on her. If what you're saying is true, something is bothering her a lot." Cyborg suggested.

Beast Boy opened his mouth, but Robin cut him off, "I'll go check on her. I understand her more than anyone."

And with that, Robin was gone.

Always being Raven's hero.... Beast Boy thought bitterly. "He says that, but he isn't some kind of hybrid like she is."

"Whoa, dude. You know Robin is the only one that can get her to open up." Cyborg said defending Robin.

"Yeah, but it's not fair."

"Maybe Robin and friend Raven are the dating...."Starfire added sadly.

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