Chapter 8

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"I think we're almost ready. Just a day or two more." Raven told her counterpart.

"Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'll miss you." Raven(2) smiled.

"Yeah, that's something I've never said."

"Have you thought about Beast Boy?"

"No, why?" Raven raised her eyebrow.
"Because, you do not see the perfection of you and him. We are opposites, but we—"

"Look, your Beast Boy and you work perfectly because you didn't have a Terra or Malchior, but we did. I hated Terra, he hated Malchior. That set us apart. We would never work. Just drop it."

Raven(2) sighed and then moved away, "Just at least be careful. With all of them. Fight our prophecy in your world."

"Always. You too."

With that Raven(2) left her to think by herself. Fight the prophecy. How will we even achieve that? It's our destiny. It's been set in stone ever since I was born. We were born. There's no way around this. No way at all.

No. There's got to be. This doubting is Trigon's work. He's trying to make me weak. Make me not believe that the Titans can do anything and everything. Of course they can. I know.

"You delusional child!" a voice boomed.

Raven instantly clutched her head as she cried out. She heard another cry come from another part of the Tower. It must have been her counterpart, hearing the same voice. The voice of their father.

"You cannot escape me! And your acquaintances cannot help you!"

Raven screamed again, "GET OUT!"

"Raven!" Beast Boy yelled as he and the rest of the team entered the dark room. They saw her laying there on the floor. She was on her knees and elbows, her hands were covering her ears as she tried to block out all the noise of her father screaming at her. Her entire body was shaking violently. Her voice was broken and she couldn't seem to distinguish reality from her mind. She thought she was there with her father, facing him as she continued to yell harsh things to her.

"Stop! Please! Stop it!" Raven cried.


"No!" Raven yelled as she suddenly sat straight up, her eyes glowing white with power. Red, glowing marks started to appear on her skin. Her uniform started to rip on it's own around her abdomen, her arms, her back. "No, please. Stop..." Raven trailed off as she started to sob.

Beast Boy and Starfire instantly went up to her to comfort her. But Raven backed away from them, "No, get-get away. I-I'm dangerous. I'm-I'm evil."

They both continued to advance, then they knelt in front of her and both hugged her tightly. Letting her cry all over them. Beast Boy smoothed her hair, while Starfire drew circles on her back with her palm, "There, there, friend. You are the safe."

Raven's cries turned into tiny whimpers, as she started to gain control of herself. "I-I'm so sorry."

"Rae, it's all good. Just let it go. You know, you gotta let go sometimes. No one blames you." Beast Boy whispered in a calm, soothing voice.

"Thank you." Raven hiccupped.

Starfire and Beast Boy both thought that that little hiccup was the cutest sound to ever come out of her mouth.

"I don't know what I would do without you guys. You're everything to me." Raven said, her voice getting stronger. The red marks were leaving her body, but her clothes remained the same. Torn and tattered.

"Oh, good. You got her out that crazy trance too." Beast Boy(2) smiled as he brought an unconscious Raven(2) into the room. The Titans were no longer there. Beast Boy wondered where they went.

"Why is she unconscious?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yours is too."

"What?" Beast Boy whipped his head to Raven, surely enough, she was also not awake. "She was awake just a moment ago."

"So was mine." Beast Boy(2) said as he laid her limp body on the her bed. "Move her up here too."

Beast Boy quickly did as he was told, and placed the Ravens beside each other. "They're so much alike, but so different."

"So are all of us. My first love was always Raven, I never met a Terra. Just hearing that you even considered dating someone else other than Raven, no offense, but it makes me sick."

"Terra is traitor. Just like Raven tried to warn us about. But I was too blinded, Starfire and Cyborg were too. Only Robin took her advice in consideration. That's why those two are way closer than her and me could ever be. Robin's always been there to save her." Beast Boy sighed.

"Are you saying that you think your Robin is going to date Raven?"

"Who knows. They're both serious, and hardly like to have fun like the rest of us. They fight like an old married couple, they both wake up early, they both like to train together without the rest of us. They're basically dating."

"Yeah, but even your Robin seems interested in Starfire." Beast Boy(2) noted.

"Yeah, so what? He could simply be feeling like that because he got his first kiss from her."

"Really, they've already kiss in your dimension?"

"Whoa, who did Starfire kiss to learn English in this dimension?"

"Well, she kind of kissed Raven."

"What? How did that happen here?"

"Well, Raven, when Starfire seemed to be attacking Jump, she teleported in front of Starfire to protect her from the rest of us, telling us that we can't see that Starfire is just scared. She didn't finish her next sentence, when Starfire grabbed her and kissed her. Our Starfire speaks English, Ancient Sumerian, German, Latin, Romanian, and Sanskrit.

"She learned all that from Raven?"

"Yep, don't your team know what languages you all speak?"

"No, never came up."

"Hmm. You should start. Come on, we need to let these girls rest. Raven promised to call for me when she awakens. I'm starving for some tofu."

"Yep, I could use some too."


Never going to end. Never going to win. Never going to live my own life. Never save my friends. Never be a hero. Because all I am is a horrible, evil demon. Just like my father. Nothing could be clearer.  Both Ravens were thinking this as they laid on the bed. There was absolutely nothing they could. This would come to pass. All Trigon needs is someone to make sure it does. But who? No one is twisted enough to work for the devil itself. No one alive at least.

Wait! Oh, no. Slade!


Super short, today was the only day I could even write much, family is making me spend quality time this summer. It's torture. Til next time, bros!


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