Chapter 4

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It's been a week and the Ravens were both meditating to get their strength to open up the portal to the dimension where the ones that didn't belong there was.

The Starfires were giggling and making small remarks on how everything was perfect. The Robins were simply sitting on the couch, along with the Cyborgs. The Beast Boys were talking near the levitating Ravens.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metri-" Suddenly both of the Ravens stopped meditating simultaneously then they gasped and fell to the floor. They were both crying softly.

"Rae? Rae, what's wrong?" Beast Boy(2) asked worriedly as he held Raven(2) in his arms.

"Raven, what happened?" Robin asked placing a hand on Raven's shoulder.

"It can't happen! I won't let it! I'm done with this! Raven, please make it stop!" Raven(2) begged.

Raven started to cough violently. She was as helpless as her alternate self.

The others were panicking. Especially Beast Boy(2). He wanted to know what was going on with his girlfriend and the other Raven.

"What shall we do?" Starfire(2) asked worriedly.

"Gem... evil's fire... portal... to claim... comes to sire... end... things mortal..." Raven mumbled. She started to unconsciously phase through the floor. As did the other Raven. Soon they were in the garage. Cradling themselves as if trying to get voices out.

"Raven!" Beast Boy(2) screamed and went to find them both. He couldn't lose her. And he knew the ones from a different dimension couldn't live with their Raven.

The Ravens were feeling such an incredible force of pain. But it wasn't physical. It was emotional pain. The images they saw in their heads weren't the best. (The image was the best I could come up with. Sorry, if it isn't the best, but I was just trying to show you what they saw and heard.) And hearing those words that they had heard many times when they were younger, terrified them. They knew, the time was near...

"No!" They both screamed simultaneously. Then they were whimpering. The images left. The voice left. They both looked over at each other and saw that they each had tears in their eyes.

"Raven! Ravens, what happened?" Beast Boy(2) asked as he went over to Raven(2) and hugged her. Raven tried to wipe her tears away before anyone noticed, but then Starfire came in and hugged her tightly.

"Star, I'm really not in the mood. Please, I just need to be alone." Raven whispered and teleported out.

"I'm sorry, Beast Boy, but I need to be too." Raven(2) choked out and also teleported.

The others were left there to wonder what had caused the Ravens to react that way.

"Dude, what happened?" Beast Boy asked.

"Let's just hope she tells me. But I doubt it." Beast Boy(2) said sadly.

"Do not worry, friends. We will simply have to wait for her arrival."


"I can't go back! You saw the same thing I saw! We're going to turned them to stone! Slade is going to be back! I caused them pain!" Raven(2) panicked as she walked back and forth. They were in a secluded area in a forest. Raven was sitting on a tree stump, rubbing her temples.

"You can't be ridiculous. We will have to return. We just have to hide it from them." Raven said.

"No! We have to tell them! Raven, we can't just let them not know their future." Raven(2) argued.

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