Tears and Promises

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Fili and Kili appeared much more alert than on the previous day. Kili was even sitting up against his pillows, munching on a biscuit. They both brightened up as the hobbit walked in.

"Good morning," said Fili, and Kili mumbled the same with his mouth full.

Bilbo returned the greeting politely, but barely holding back a grin. It eased his heart a great deal that the two had emerged from the battle with their endearingly informal selves unscathed.

"How is Thorin doing?" asked Fili.

"He's weak, but fine, I think," said Bilbo, stopping close to their beds. "He's not very happy about receiving a bed bath."

Kili choked on his biscuit and coughed. "Who is? It almost makes me sorry I survived." His brother cast him a slight glare, although not entirely reprobating. "Well, almost. This is the part they don't tell you about when they fill your head with tales of heroism."

All three of them laughed.

Then, Fili asked, "How come you haven't started back home yet, Bilbo?" He looked innocently unaware of the loud echo of uneasiness that his question sent through the hobbit's hollowed heart. "I thought you would be eager to return to the Shire once the quest was over. Not that I blame you. It's quite an excellent little place."

The brothers snickered to each other, no doubt recollecting their raucous one-night stay in Bag End, but Bilbo ignored them. "I, uh, I have not been well enough to travel, in fact. I wanted to gain back some strength before I took on another journey."

"Oh, certainly," approved Fili, "you're quite right. And this place isn't so bad either. It just needs a little tidying up. "

Bilbo responded with a thin smile. It was not the hospitality of the dwarves that he had doubts over. Nor was he staying solely for the purpose of recovering his strength, although that made a lot of sense. He was staying because he felt that he had to, because there were questions that he needed to find an answer to, for Thorin and for himself. But he couldn't say that to Fili and Kili.

He spent a few more moments with them, then took his leave and visited Bombur's kitchen to get some breakfast now that his appetite was back.

It was about two hours later that he returned to Thorin's bedroom. Thorin was bundled up again and seemed to be asleep. Bilbo closed the door behind him with as little noise as possible.

Balin was still there, folding some towels. He smiled to the hobbit as he saw him come in. "I'm afraid we've exhausted him for the time being," he whispered, "but we really must convince him to eat. Will you try when he wakes up?"

Bilbo nodded, then opened his mouth to say something, but Balin brought his finger to his lips, gesturing for him to keep silent. The dwarf set the towels on a table next to the bed, then, with a stretch of his back, approached Bilbo and herded him out of the room.

"Now, what did you want to say?" asked Balin as they found themselves outside the closed door of Thorin's bedroom.

"Well, I was wondering if now Thorin will be willing to give Bard his promised share of the gold and Thranduil his gems."

"Oh, I think that the matter is out of his hands given his condition," replied Balin, tilting his head and crossing his hands in serious fashion over his belly. "Dain is the one who can make such decisions at the moment. He'll be acting as steward until Thorin is recovered."

"Oh, I see," Bilbo mused to himself. "Has he asked about the Arkenstone?"

"He has not."

"Shouldn't we tell him that we have it back?"

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