Chapter 34 {Concert}

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Considering that 5sos' concert is in L.A tonight I decided on going. I haven't been to one of their concerts in what feels like years. And I can't wait to go to one again. Its always super fun at their concerts. They're always so energetic and funny. They really put on a show, and it's really fun to watch. And I have to say, their music is amazing. Wherever you are is an amazing song, and Luke told me it was about me which made me want to cry.

I walk to my closet which is filled with a lot of black, red, grey, blue. Just because I'm a model doesn't mean I wear all the bright colors. My style hasn't changed at all since I left Luke. It's just my fashion designer picks out what I wear. To be honest I'd be fine going out in black skinny's and a band tee, but she doesn't want that.

Once I pick out what I wear I decide to head over there early, so I can see everyone.

"Hey guys!" I say as I walk into their dressing room, but immediately closing my eyes. "Hemmings! Put some god damn pants on!" I say blushing a little.
"Aw come on babe, it's not the first time you've seen them off." Luke says smirking, causing my cheeks to turn tomato red.
"Just get some pants on." I groan and go into the other part of the dressing room.
"Hey guys." I say sitting down next to Michael.
"Hey Charlie long time no see." Michael says chuckling and putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Right? I could have sworn I saw you about two days ago?" I say placing a finger on my chin as if I was thinking.
"Yeah." Michael says laughing about how stupid we both are. "But hey I really did miss you. The house isn't the same without you in it." Michael says frowning a little. Maybe I should tell them my plan?
"Hey guys can I tell you something?" I ask as soon as I snap out of my thinking.
"Yeah what's up?" Ashton asks sitting up.
"I'm thinking about moving back to Australia." I say and all of them jump up and cheer. "But I have to be out here for about year before I can go." I say and everyone frowns including me.
"But hey, you get to come back home." Calum points out smiling a bit.
"Yeah guys! We survived a year without each other and we can survive another, right?" I ask standing up and making everyone else stand up.
"Right!" All of them say in unison making us laugh.
"What's going on in here?" Luke asks finally coming in, and wearing pants.
"Next year Charlie's going to move back to Australia!" Sophie  says and Luke runs up and tackles me with hugs, and kisses.
"Oh my god yes!" Luke says in between kisses.
"Are you guys...?" Calum starts to ask with a smirk on his face.
"No." I say fighting back a smile and pushing Luke a little. I look over at Luke and he had a huge smirk on his face.
"I like your shirt." Luke says in my ear.
"Thanks." I say back. Me and Luke aren't dating, but to everyone else it seems like it. I mean we've kissed before, obviously. But he hasn't asked me out, so we aren't dating. I'm surprised that the paps haven't gotten pictures of us together, because a lot of the time in Australia me and him were together. I guess they thought nothing of me, and went to Cameron. It's sad that Cam is getting all of this attention because he cheated on me. And Cam doesn't seem to happy about it either. Because every time he's in an interview, they always ask him why he did it. And that it ruined our "perfect" relationship. Which I think the only reason they called us the power couple is because we are both models, and did all of those couple Photoshoots. Like the wedding ones, or proposals, or dates. But I wasn't happy. And a part of me thinks Cam wasn't happy either. But cheating isn't a way to say it, or show it. I think the reason why Cam was so lovey dovey to me in Australia was so that he could make Luke jealous. Because he knew all the stuff Luke did to me, and he wanted to use that against him, even though he was doing the same thing to me.

"Show time boys!!" Sophie yells as they go down the hallway.
"I'm super nervous now." Luke says tuning his guitar.
"Why mate? You're never nervous." Michael asks.
"Because I have a beautiful girl on the sidelines watching me now." Luke says smiling and winking at me, right before they go on stage.
"Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Sophie asks with a smirk.
"Yes, and if we were I would have told you." I point out and cover my face so she can't see me blush.
"True." Sophie says now and all of her focus is on the stage, but mostly to Calum. I look on the stage and see Luke looking at me and smiling before he looks back at the crowd.
"How are you Los Angles?" Ashton asks from behind the drums making all the fans scream.
"Charlie come out here for a second." Michael says to me. God damn it Clifford again!? I just nod and walk out on stage, causing more people to scream. I guess some of my fans were in the crown too.
"What do you want Clifford?" I say into the microphone that the mic guy just gave me.
"I was thinking. Considering that it's been over a year that you sang on stage with us. I thought you should sing with us. For old times sake." Michael says smiling.
"There's a reason why I model instead of sing. And I don't think you guys want to know what that reason is." I say making everyone laugh.
"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" All the fans yell and Michael and the boys join in too.
"Fine." I say laughing and everyone goes wild.

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