Chapter 14 {What The Hell?}

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Charlie's POV

"Okay I'll be over in like 5 minutes." Sophie chirps through the phone.
"Okay see you then!" I say as the phone line goes dead. I actually like Sophie. She's really nice. And just like Calum. It's crazy. I hope they get along well. I really want someone there for Calum. In a romantic way at least. That's one way I couldn't be there for him.

About 5 minutes later there's a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I yell as I run to the door. I swing open the door and see Sophie standing there. With a smile plastered on her face. "Hey!" I say ask I open the door.
"Hi!" She says back. I open the door more so she can come in.
"Please come in." I say stepping out of the way so she can walk in.
"Wow I love your house." She says in awe
"Thank you." My mom says budding in.
"Hey mom this is Sophie. Sophie this is my mom." I say and the shake hands.
"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Waters" She says smiling to my mom.
"Please call me Emily." My mom says with a big smile.
"Uh mom me and Sophie are going to go get ready. We're going to go see a movie." I say grabbing Sophie's wrist and taking her up stairs.
"Okay have fun you two!" She yells as I shut the door.
"Sorry about my mom." I say flopping on the bed
"No it's fine. She's cool and seems really nice." She says and I laugh. My mom? Cool? Yeah right. My phone starts to buzz in my back pocket.
From Stacey:
Hey me and Calum are picking you guys up in an hour so be ready! ;)
To Stacey:
Okay see you then! :)

I set my phone down and turn to Sophie.
"We better start getting ready. Your prince will here in an hour!" I say getting off the bed. I look at Sophie and she's blushing like crazy. Aw how cute. "That's so cute."
"What?" She whines
"Oh nothing I just think it's cute how you blush about Calum." Once I say his name her face becomes as red as a tomato.
"W-we should get ready!" She says coving her face and walking to my closet.

After about 30 minutes of searching through my closet she settles on a white crop top with jeans and black low cut converse (top picture). I pick out a black skirt a grey crop top that says 'geek' on it a pair of white kicks (bottom picture).
"Wow we look," Sophie starts
"Hot." I say finishing her sentence causing both of us to laugh.
"Exactly what I was going to say." She says after laughing.

After we finish getting ready, we hear a knock on the door.
"Bye mom!" I say as I get to the door.
"Bye sweetie have fun!" She says from her room upstairs. I open the door and meet face to face with a blonde headed boy. More like fave to chest considering he's like a foot taller than me.
"You look," Luke starts but Sophie cuts him off
"Hot? She knows." She says causing everyone to laugh.
"Let's head out." I say and they agree and start heading to the at.
"Uh Sophie Calum's in the back if you want to join him." Luke says with a smirk.
"Uh yeah sure." She says blushing. We all get into the car. Me and Luke in the front and Sophie and Calum in the back. Their so cute and awkward. It's adorable.
"You look amazing." Luke says starting a conversation between us.
"Thank you. You do as well." I say looking at him. And it's true. He has this white shirt on and it has a smiley face in the middle of it. And of course he has is signature black ripped skinny jeans. And to be honest, he looks amazing.
"Thank you." He says placing a hand on my thigh. God every time he does this, it makes me feel different. I don't know it's just stupid how much a boy can make me crazy.

Once we get to the theatre and get our popcorn we head to the room were our movie is showing. We, well me and Sophie decide on Paper Towns.
"I've wanted to see this movie for a while." Sophie says intertwining hers and Calums fingers.
"Me too. I read the book and it was amazing." I say as me and Luke do the same thing. I look up to Luke and he's already looking at me. He has a huge smile on his face. He looks away and the smile soon fades.
"I-uh I'll be back. Go oh ahead with Calum and Sophie. I'll meet you in the room." He says kinda nervous. I look at him kinda weird. I don't question him and I walk faster to catch up with Calum and Sophie. What did he see to make him so nervous. He's been doing that lately. I don't know why.
"Hey where's Luke?" Calum asks as we make it to the door.
"I don't know he saw something and said he would be back soon." I said shrugging. Calum looks behind us and exhales loudly. Like he knows what, or who Luke saw.
"Okay well we better get good seats." Calum says opening the door, taking the attention off of what he just did.
"Okay." Me and Sophie say In unison, causing both of us to laugh.

Once we get settled in our seats, and the commercials stop playing, Luke finally comes in to the theatre. As he makes his way to me, him and Calum make eye contact and Calum shakes his head with some kind of disgusted look on his face. I just shrug it off, thinking it's just them dicking around with each other. I'll just ask Calum later. He'll tell me what's going on. For right now o just want to focus on the movie I've been dying to see.

"That movie was so good!" Sophie says as we walk out of the theatre. I just laugh and nod. It was really good. I reach to grab Luke's hand but he pulls away, and looks the other direction.
"Are you okay?" I say stopping making him stop too.
"Yes. Now can we just get to the car?" He snaps back. I jump a little on how he's talking to me. He's never talked to me like that before. What the hell is going on?
"Yeah." I say with a little bit of sass.

We drop Sophie off first, then Calum. And then it was me and Luke. The whole car ride was silent, and I'm still mad at Luke for how he's acting.
"Listen Ch-"
"Just take me home." I say before he could finish his sentence. I don't want to listen to what he has to say. Not right now at least.
"Okay." He says whispering, almost as if he's holding back tears.
He turns on a street I'm not used to.
"Where are we going?" I ask as he goes down a long road.
"We're taking the long way home." He says and I sigh. I just want to get out of this awkward car ride. Silent car rides with Luke were never awkward. And now they are. What happened in the 30 minutes he was gone at the theatre. What was he doing that made him become for distant to me?
"We're here." Luke says as he pulls into my driveway.
"Thanks." I say as I shut the door. I look back at him and he has this guilty look on his face. What the hell is going on?

Little Miss Run Away (L.M) (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن