Chapter 1 {The News}

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"What?! You're not serious about this right?" I ask my parents
"Charlie calm down! And yes we are serious. We got a better house, and that means you have to change schools." My dad explains. I don't understand. Just a few weeks ago he was talking about how much he loves our cozy house, and now he's saying he wants to move. I don't understand my parents. I don't think they would be this way if Charles, no Charlotte don't think that. That's horrible.
I don't know what I'm going to do without my best friend at my school. How am I going to break it to Ashley? Oh no. This is going to be a hell of a Monday
"When are we moving?" I finally manage to get a full sentence out.
"In 3 days . That gives you enough time to pack and say goodbye to all of your friends. And break the news to James." My mom says. Silences fills the room. I forgot about James! God how am I going to break it to my boyfriend that I'm moving schools?! And that I'm probably not going to be able to see him anymore. Great. Just great. (A/n Hint the sarcasm) I have to tell him now. I go upstairs to my room and grab my keys.
"I'm going to go to James house and tell him. I'll be back later." I say to my parents as I walk out the door.

I get out of my car and walk up to James door. I knock and his mom opens it.
"Charlie! How nice to see you. What are you doing here?" She says confused
"Hey Mrs. Danes. I have to tell James that I'm moving schools, which means I have to break up with him." I say frowning. Once I say this, her smile drops from her face and she starts to frown.
"I thought you and James broke up a few months ago?" She says
"No we haven't broken up." I say confused now "What makes you say that?"
"He's been bringing a different girl named Ashley over here. And he told me you and him broke up. I am so sorry Charlie." She finishes.
"I-it's okay. Can I talk to him?" She nods and let's me inside. I open his door and I see him and a girl making out.
"James?" I say
"Ch-Charlie! What are you doing here?" He asks and soon my best friend, Ashley turns her head to face me.
"Charlie" Ashley mumbles, holding back tears. I can't even look at her without wanting to cry. Holding back tears I finally speak
"I was here to tell you that I'm moving schools  and that we had to break up. But  that's not the reason I'm breaking up with you now." I snap looking at him and Ashley.
"Charlie you are moving?!" Ashley says hear broken.
"You never really cared about me! If you did, you wouldn't be helping my boyfri-Ex boyfriend cheat on me!" I yell at her. She  hangs her head down in shame.
"Don't even say anything to me! I'm done with you James. And for you Ashley, f*ck you! I thought you were my friend!" I say to them
"Charlie I am so so so sorry!" She says while crying.
"No you aren't. Stop lying! Don't ever talk to me again!" I yell and walk out and slam his door and walk downstairs. "Bye Mrs. Danes. Thank you for letting me in." My voice cracks with tears. She walks over to me and hugs me tight. She looks at me and wipes the tears off my cheeks.
"I am so sorry my son did this to you. It breaks my heart he did this. Especially to someone so bright, and caring as you." She says hugging me again. I hug her back and thank her again.
"Anytime honey." She says closing the door behind me.

I run up to my room and ball my eyes out. How could James do this to me? And with my best friend! My ex best friend now. How could she do this to me? I hate them! I hate them so much! Maybe moving schools won't be as bad as I thought.
I get up from bed and start doing my night routine. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth, and clean my face. I put my hair in a bun on top of my head and pick out pajamas, which is Nike shorts and a random shirt. I lay back down and do homework I've been pushing off all weekend. Math and History, yay  (A/n sarcasm if you can't tell lmao). I find myself drifting off into sleep.

I jump at the sound of my alarm. School: The place James and Ashley are. Good thing I only have to deal with them for 2 more days. And hey, I get to say goodbye to my other friends before I go! Like Shawn and Emily. God I'm going to miss them. I get up and go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth and hair. Now, what should I wear. I ended up wearing a black crop top with a red flannel and black skirt with combat boots. If I was leaving the school, I'm going to leave with a bang ;). I walk downstairs and grab my backpack and head out the door.

Once I get to school, the first people I see are James and Ashley. They are talking and both of them seem really sad. I walk in and they both look at me. I walk past them considering they are right in front of my locker.
"Charlie-" James says before I cut him off
"Charlotte. You call me Charlotte. Only important people in my life call me Charlie." I snap and the hallway filled with horny teenagers going 'oooo'
"Charlotte can we talk?" He asks
"About what?! How you f*cking cheated on me with my best friend!" I fire back. And once again the hallways fill with 'oooo'
"Charlotte please." He says sadly.
"James?" Ashley asks waking up to him. Once she sees me, her eyes drop to the floor.
"Charlie." Ashley starts
"Like I said you and it call me Charlotte. Only important people in my life call me Charlie." Once I say that her eyes lose color and fill with sadness. She deserves it. I was by her side through everything, and this is how she repays me. It makes me sick to my stomach.
"I'm so sorry" Escapes her mouth.
"You aren't f*cking sorry! I'm not believing that!" I say slamming my locker and walking off trying to find my only true friends: Shawn and Emily.

Little Miss Run Away (L.M) (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz