Chapter 15 {Who Is She?}

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Charlie's POV

Me and Luke haven't talked since last night. Which is kinda scary, considering this has never happened to us before. I hope I didn't do anything to make him feel distant.

Once I get to school, I walk over to my locker and see Luke. My hearts racing out of my chest and a million things are running though my head. He starts to make his way over to me but he stops dead in his tracts looking at the front of the school. Confused I look over too and see a beautiful girl. She's super skinny, has amazing hair, and amazing everything.
"Damn babe! Id love to see that again"
"Turn around!"
Guys yell cat calling her.
"Who is she?" I whisper to the closest person to me.
"Corrine. She just transferred here." They say as she makes her way down the hall. She stops as she makes it to Luke. He freezes and has scared look on his face.
"Oh my god Luke? You go to this school?" She says and every guy other than Luke moans at the fact that it's not them getting a hug from her.
"Uh- yeah." He says and he looks at me. A wave of guilt flushes over his face.
"The other night was-"
"Hey I'm Charlie." I say walking her direction. She looks at me and checks me out. Looking at every part of my body.
"And?" She says rather rudely.
"This is my girlfriend." Luke says quietly.
"You're girlfriend?" She says disgusted. There goes every last drop of my confidence. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend Luke! I would have never-" she says before getting cut off by Luke coughing.
"Would have never what?" I say with wide eyes.
"Sleep with him at the movie theater." She says looking at me with a sad look on her face. "I am so sorry I had no idea." She says putting a hand on my shoulder. I'm too shocked to even flinch. I turn to look at Luke and he's on the verge of tears.
"Charlie let me-"
"Luke save it! I'm sorry I ruined your life! I'm sorry that I ever came into your life! I'm sorry I wasted your time. Because God knows I wasted mine getting hurt by you." I spit at him, causing him to put his head down and hide the fact that he has tears seeping out of his eyes. "Bye Luke. I hope you have a great fucking time single!" I say storming off.
"Yo Charlie! What happened back there?" Calum asked as he jogged to catch up to me.
"He cheated!" I say making me burst into tears.
"Oh Charlie I am so sorry." Calum whispers into my hair. "That's what Luke does. Breaks girls hearts."
"He told me I was different. He told me he loved me." I say the last part and it makes me cry harder. Why did I have to love such a jerk. Why me.
"I know Charlie and I am so sorry. I think he does love you. He just doesn't know how to have a proper relationship." He says trying to comfort me.
"I don't think I'll ever be enough for someone to love me." I say in his chest.
"Don't say that." He says rubbing circles on my back.
"Why not. It's true! No one can ever love me." I say throwing my hands up and shoving my head in my knees.
"It's not true. Trust me. Guys them themselves at your feet. Well they would have if you didn't date the bad boy in the school." He says chuckling a little.
"Yeah right." I say laughing dryly.
"It's true." He says pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around me.
"Charlie?" Luke says as he walks up to me and Calum sitting on the bench.
"What?!" I snap at him causing him to back away a little.
"Can I talk to you, alone?" He asks. I turn to Calum and he nods. I sigh and push myself off the hard bench.
"You have five minutes." I say coldly. He nods in response.
"Charlie I'm so sorry. Believe me I am. I wish I could go back in time and change what I did."
4 minutes
"I love you and I don't know what came over me. I just saw her and it brought back too many memories."
3 minutes
"Please I'm begging you. Please forgive me. I hate myself for what I did."
2 minutes
"I love you. You bring the good me back. And once I left your grasp the old me came back."
1 minutes
"Charlie, please. I can't lose you. The tour is next month and I don't want to lose you. I can't go on tour without the love of my life there."
Times up.
"Goodbye Luke." I say turning on my heels and making my way back to Calum. There's no way I'm forgiving him that easy. He broke my heart. And his reasons on why he did it didn't help either. That's what hurt the most. There was no
"She came onto me."
"She forced me to do it"
None of that. He willingly did it. And with someone I could never compare to. I mean look at her. She's gorgeous. She had perfect hair, skin, teeth. Everything. I could never compare. And not to mention she pulls off a nose ring really well. God I lost Luke to someone 1,000x greater than me. My first love gone within an hour. Everything happens for a reason. God how am I going to be able to show my face in school. Or go to first and third period. He's in those classes. And to make things worse we sit next to each other. He told me he loved me. Was the nightmare I had in the hospital becoming my reality. My crappy reality. Filled with crying, and reruns of How I Met Your Mother. My crappy life.

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that _Percabeth1121_ is Corrine in the story. If you want to be apart of my story, and if I have an open character text me on here and tell me your name and what you look like, or want to look like in the story. Bye babes love you XX

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