When Two Goddess Meet Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

I can hear my own voice crack and tear start to roll again in my eyes. I hold them back and take a few moments to calm myself. I’ve had enough crying today. I don’t need to cry again and again. She just patiently wait at the other line. I can still her soft steady breathing. I open my mouth and start to talk again.

“She told me that.. that…”

Those scenes appear on my mind once again. I still remember every word that she said. I remember them exactly.

“Let me go. You can be happy with a nice and handsome man that loves you to death.”

“I can’t be happy if I’m not with you.”


“Just think about it, okay ?”

That one line just echo in my head “I can’t be happy if I’m not with you.” That one sentence means everything to me. The meaning is so deep. Deeper than any sea, that mean she love me. She love me, she wants to be with me, she care for me. But I just can’t bring myself to forgive and forget. I know I’m selfish. I’m very lucky to have her love and she’s not the only one with mistake. I made mistakes too. But her mistakes, is something that hurt me so very much. She has a fiancé. Even though she doesn’t love him, it means something. And she knew that she will marry him sooner or later. I can feel a slight anger in me. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself again. I’m getting good at this because I do this often now.

“She told me that she can’t be happy if she’s not with me.” I said in steady voice.


“Yes ?”

“Follow your heart. Make the best decision while you can. She won’t wait forever you know ?”

“I know.”

“You better take care now.”


“I’ll be waiting for you here, back home.”

“I know.” Smile start to appears as I hear her words.

“Call me anytime, even if it’s three in the morning I don’t care. Call me.”

“Thank you Claes.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.”

“Claes…” I said quickly before she hang up the phone.

“Yes Rea ?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I hang up the phone and leave the hotel balcony to get inside the warm hotel room. Elsa is there lying on the bed texting. Her hair is still wet and towel is still hanging on her shoulder. She glances at me and get up. She slowly approach me while I’m still rubbing my red eyes. I can feel her arms warp around me. I rest my head on her chest. She rub my head and rest her chin on my head. I’ve been friend with her for a long time, I first met her when I start modeling. I consider her as my second best friend next to Claes.

“I never knew you can cry.” She said jokingly.

“Of course I can silly.” I said to her while snuggle to her even more.

“Careful with my shirt, it’s Prada.”

I look up to her and frown. She just smile and pat my head.

“Seriously ?” I smile slightly.

“Hey, it’s limited.”

“Fine then.”

I crash to the bed and face the opposite direction from her, pretending to be mad. She giggles and then jump on top of me. She hug me and said.

“Aww, come on Rea. If you want to cry on my chest again I won’t worry about my shirt again.”

“No, I’m mad.” I said keeping straight face.

“If you still act like that I’ll kiss you.” She said pouting.

“ Whatever.”

She lean in and kiss my cheek. I turn around to face her. She smile there and brush the hair off my forehead.

“You know, you’re pretty when you cry.”

“Huh ?”

“But you’re prettier when you smile.” She smile widely.

“Elsa, do you grate cheese wherever you go ?”

“What does that have to do with cheese ? Oh…” She only get it just now.

I laugh hysterically. She just stares at me and get off from my top now lying beside me instead.

“I’m cheesy ?”

“Yup.” I nods.

“Well, I guess it’s okay being cheesy once in a while.”

“Once in a while ?”

“Yes, as you can see I’m usually very elegant and sophisticated.”

“Ugh, right.”

“It’s true.”

“You’re cheesy.”

“I’m not !”

“Yes you are.”

“I’m not !”

“Okay, I’m gonna take a shower now. Bye cheese grater.” I laugh.

“Whatever ! Yeah take a shower ! You smell bad !”

I look at the mirror to see that a smile has appeared on my face. Cheer up Rea, tomorrow is a new day. Forget her for a while and enjoy your time in Paris.

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