Months had past

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My brown locks where covering my face and I was star fishing over the whole double bed. As I awoke from my sleep I rolled over to see a photograph of the gang at our wedding. Oh boy I miss them I really do and I just want my happy ending. I mean when can I get off my roller coaster. A single tear came to my eye. I started to look through my things. Where is it? Where have I put it? Oh god I can't of lost it! Out of the corner of my eye I saw it! I scrambled over to get it and I held it on my chest and just thanked The Lord that I found it.

I didn't know who to call. I mean there all going to be mad at me for leaving but I want to go home I want to see my family my kids. My life is back there and I left it all behind. How do I know they will even take me back? But hey at least I tried. Planing what I was going to say was so hard. "I just want to say." God NO "I want to come home" no "these past months" ......... "Sorry for everything I have done" why can't I get this right? What's so hard. Just tell them! I got so frustrated with my self I just rang the first number on my phone.

K - Kensi N - Nell C - callen E - Eric
K: hello?
N: hello?..... Hello? Is anyone there?.......hello?
(Faces where on me I linked my phone to the big speaker so everyone could here)
N: hello? You there?
K: yeah....... I'm here
N: KENSI! Is that you
K: yeah
N: how have you been?
K: emmmm Nell I..... I want to come home
N: you know you can kensi your home is here!
K: but no one will want me
N: of corse we do silly! We all love you
C: nell keep her talking! ( whispers to nell)
N: so what have you been doing?
K: I have to go bye
N: NO kensi wait!......... I have only just got you back I can't lose you again kensi your my sister and I miss you
K: I miss you to! Send my love to the rest of the guys (hangs up)
N: kensi? You still there?....kensi!
N: tell me you got that Eric!
E: I'm sorry, she's not stupid you know! she knew I would be tracking her so she got a burner and kept moving!
N: so what do we do now?

Her voice sounded different she sounds scared. We needed to find her and fast like I said in the phone I miss her and she is always welcome to come back. All we can do now is wait. I just want to help her because she always puts her life on the line for me if I need her.

We need her back deeks hasn't been the same Samantha is always sad Hetty is constantly worried Nell and Eric are always looking for her and granger he hasn't actually Been to work since she went away. I need her back the team hasn't been working to its usual standards! And I can't even start on Deeks! It is like he is there but his heart and soul isn't he just has work mind and that is all he focuses on. The kids have moved in with me and he comes to see them every now and then. Grace and Carla have turned 16 Ria 13 and jack kaiden and Daniela's birthdays are really soon!

I want my mom back! It has been 6 months now and I just want her back! Deeks and I are really close but he isn't so close to the other kids they are at uncle Callens a lot of the time. They all talk about mom all the time and Carla has trusted me and I just don't know what to do? I sometimes cry and when I do I can't stop you know it is hard and life's different now. I think of how she could be! Has she started a new family? Phase died? Is she ill? Or is she just scared and lonely! I try and talk to deeks on why she has left but he never says why he just "I don't know" but I know he knows.

Will she face the truth? (Part2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora