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I was trapped, they were going to eat me alive but you helped me get away.

The bell rang and lunch was over. Usually we all stayed until the second bell which was two minutes before class but today I stood up right away. They all looked at me as I left the table but I just couldn't keep sitting there acting like nothing would change, like Marco wasn't going to leave. I could feel Marco staring at me as I left, I usually always walked with him to class since the next class was one we had together.

I got to class and sat in my assigned spot. At least in this class we don't sit at the same table, so I don't have to worry about it being awkward to have Marco sitting next to me. But he would still be close, he was assigned to the table behind mine.

I barely noticed when class started, I was just lost thinking. It was just an English class so it didn't really matter if I paid attention. I just couldn't get over why it mattered so much to me that Marco would be leaving. Since I've known him, he's always been there and sure we got close like friends do but it's not like we're something special like Connie and Sasha keep saying. He has just always been kind, supportive, gentle... Wow... I really sound like I'm describing a lover...

"Well Jean?"

I snapped back to the present and realized that the teacher had just asked me a question. I was silent for longer, I couldn't answer him, I didn't know the question but I couldn't let him know that I wasn't paying attention. I felt a hand reach from behind me and push a paper into my hand. I looked at the paper and instantly recognize Marco's neat handwriting. He said on the note that the teacher asked what kind of story structure does Frankenstein have and wrote the answer for me below.

The teacher called me again, "Jean."

"Um... It's an outer frame," I tried hard to not sound like I'm reading off a paper.

The teacher seemed happy enough, prompting me to continue, "Because?"

I glance at the paper again. Marco was so prepared, he gave me everything I needed. I crumpled the paper in my hand, I don't know why it annoyed me, but it did. I said to the teacher, "Because it's told through the perspective of Victor telling his story to the ship crew that pick him up."

The teacher nodded, completely satisfied and I went back to not listening. I just wanted to get angrier at Marco. Here I was being a complete asshole to him and he still helps me out. He should just get mad at me already.

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