Almost had em'

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~Meanwhile, back with Catherine and Steve~

Steve saw a someone standing in front of a smashed window. Steve drew his gun and pointed it at the figure. The guy was unmoved by Steve's action. The guy had a gun in his hand, but didn't attempt to raise it.

Steve: who are you? (He said wth his finger on the trigger)

Figure 1: drop the gun. (He said in a very low, raspy, voice)

Steve was about to throw the guy a smart remark about the guy being outdrawn, until he heard.....

Figure 2: you better do what he says, before we blow a million holes in your ass.

Steve had no choice but to lower his weapon. At the last second, Steve raised the gun and shot the guy by the window in the stomach, then turned and tried to shoot sthe other guy, but when he turned around he was surprised that he wasn't there. Steve then ran up the stairs, but was stopped by the second gunman on the stairs. He had a fistful of Catherine's hair in his hand and a gun to her head.

Figure 2: let's try this again, put the gun down... Or on second thought through it down the stairs.

Steve did as the man instructed. The man then told him to come upstairs. Steve could see how frightened Catherine was, so  he did as he was told, hoping that the man would not hurt her if he did as he was instructed. The man dragged Catherine into the bedroom and had her sit on the bed, then he called Steve in and had him get the hand cuffs and cuff himself to the foot of the bed. The man then took the keys and the second pair of hand cuffs and cuffed Catherine to the head of the bed. He then searched the room for weapons or keys to the cuffs. After finding the spare handcuff keys and a gun between the mattress, he pocketed the items and then pulled out his phone.

Figure 2: alright, I'm in..... Yeah, they're all taken care of...... No, I'm not stupid, I know we need them alive, or at least the guy........ True, but afterwards, will we need her?....... Alright, see you in a few, oh and Nick, bring a body bag, Eds  gone...... Alright, just hurry up. This can't take all day.......... Yep, bye.  (Then he hung up and turned back to Steve and Catherine)

Steve had been looking around to see if he could find a spare pair of handcuff keys. (They should have plenty, with all the ones Catherine kept losing in their room.) but he stopped when the man hung up the phone and turned around.

Figure 2: so, your the great "Steve Mcgarrett"? It's funny, I had imagined you'd be smarter, and that taking you down would've been more of a challenge. I mean, with you being a navy seal and the "commander of five o". Hell, I think Lt. Rollins was more of a challenge than you.

Steve: cut to the chase, what do you want?

Figure 2: you'll know soon enough, and trust me, you'll do whatever we say or else Lt. Rollins here is gonna pay for it. (He said, running his fingers through Catherine's hair)

Catherine: he won't listen to you! (She said pulling away from him) he's smarter than you think.

Figure 2: well it seems to have worked this far. Plus it's not what we want, it's more the information we want him to tell us.

Catherine: well, he won't tell you anything either. (She said keeping the man distracted while Steve found the spare keys that Catherine lost forever ago.)

Steve had never been so happy about Cath losing her cuff keys

Figure 2: see Mcgarrett, I told you she put up more of a fight than you.

Steve: I don't know, I think I put up a pretty good fight.

Now the man turned to Steve.

Figure 2: but you still are captured, so I guess that means I win!

Steve: you haven't won yet, cause you still have to get something from me, some information that you have to try and get.

Figure 2: but getting that info shouldn't be that hard to get, as long as I have her. (He said gesturing to Catherine and noticed that she was moving around) Hey, what are you doing? (He said walking over to Catherine)

Catherine didn't say anything.
The man started walking closer to Catherine, but before he could notice the keys she found behind the bed, she kicked them under the bed.

Figure 2: what are you doing?

Catherine: these cuffs are too tight, I was just trying to adjust them to a comfortable position. (She lied)

Figure 2: if you think that's too tight, try this on for size. (He said tightening the cuffs, till they couldn't be tightened anymore) How's that?

Catherine: that didn't help at all. (She said wincing at the pain, from the tight cuffs)

Figure 2: good!

At the foot of the bed, grabbed the key that Catherine had kicked under the bed, and put it in his mouth just as another man walked through the door. Steve thought that this guy must be Nick, "the voice on the phone."

Nick: hey Ryan, Eds been taken care of and the mess is all cleaned up. No one will be able to tell that we were ever here, except for a missing lamp that you smashed, and them. (He said gesturing to Steve and Cath)

Ryan, AKA figure 2: good, where are the rest of the guys?

Nick: getting rid of the paint and cleaning products. I actually sent one of the guys to look for a matching lamp. When your ready to move these two, we'll send the crew to clean this room.

Ryan: very good. I guess we're ready now.

Just then, they heard a phone ring. Steve recognized the ring tone, it was Danny. Ryan and Nick immediately started looking for the phone. While they were busy looking for his phone, Steve took the key from his mouth and and put it in his pocket as discretely as possible. Then they found the phone.

Ryan: who is this?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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