A rough night

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The night had not been so great for detective Danny Williams he was at his apartment with no electricity, which meant that he couldn't block out the sound of the water and rain, so he just laid in his bed staring at the ceiling until he heard his door creek open. he looked to see his little monkey. "Gracie"

Gracie: are you awake danno?

Danny: yeah, I'm awake monkey.

Gracie: danno, can I sleep with you?

Danny: of course monkey, come here.

Gracie went in and crawled into bed with danno.

Gracie: danno, can we call mommy?

Danny: well, she might be sleeping.

Gracie: but the rain and thunder is so loud, how can she sleep through all this noise?

Danny: well, your mom always was a heavy sleeper, but if you want me to ill call her.

Gracie: ok.

She said as she yawned. Danny picked up the house phone, and then remembered that the power was out, he then pulled his cell phone out of the pocket of the pants he wore yesterday. He turned it on and found Rachel's number and called it. He was sent straight to voicemail, so he tried again, it rang once and then straight to voicemail again. He then tried to call Stanley, and it was the same with his phone.

Danny: hey monkey, mommy isn't picking up right now, so maybe we should try again later, ok?

Gracie: can you leave her a message?

Danny: of course we can, do you want too do it? Or do you want me too?

Gracie: you can do it.

Danny: you sure? She'll probably want to hear from you.

Gracie: you can do it.

She said begging to doze off. Danny reluctantly redialed Rachel's number and waited to leave a message. "great, now she won't pick up for my my calls. why is she mad now? I mean I would think she'd wanna at least pick up to see how grace is doing, but no, cause she's just a moody, cranky, bi-..."
Danny's thoughts were interrupted by the beep of the message machine.

Danny: hey Rachel, um, Gracie wanted me to give you a call, and see how you and Stan are doing. so if you could give me a call back, that would be great, bye.

Then he hung up. "did I just include Stan, why would she want to know how Stan is doing? Ya know what it doesn't matter, at least the call is over now." -Danny thought

Then he heard something in the other room. So he got up and followed the noise. He ended up in Gracie's room. He could hear Miley Cyrus singing "Party In the USA". He picked up Gracie's phone and read the caller ID. It was Rachel, so Danny answered and heard Rachel's British accent on the other line.

Rachel: Grace darling, how are you? I've tried calling you at least a dozen times, why didn't you answer?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. She called her at least a dozen times! Why didn't she return any of my calls!?" Danny thought

Rachel: Grace are you there?........Grace, hello?

Danny: Grace is sleeping.

Rachel: Daniel!?! Why are you answering my daughters phone!?!

Danny: what do you mean "your daughter"? She's my daughter too.

Rachel: look Daniel, just let me talk to grace.

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