For the most part, we had walked in silence, conserving our energy, but casual chatting had been had throughout the journey. Although treacherous and long, this journey had been the best for the strength of the group. We now all knew a fair bit about each other, and the trust between us had grown considerably.

By late evening the hill was practically back at usual ground level, and even from here we could just see the dimly lit village. It seemed to consist of only a couple of larger building and a few houses, and a large group like us would be too easily noticed; we would look too suspicious. We would certainly look too suspicious coming to the village at this time of night, and so I decided we should camp out over by a group of thick bushes and trees.

I volunteered first watch as usual, and everyone else found a patch of long grass, using their rucksack as a pillow. When my watch ended, I prodded Blade awake, and he sat up, alert. "Your turn for watch." I whispered. Blade nodded, and stood, stretching, before sitting again. Once I was sure he was awake and able to take the watch, I drifted off to sleep.

We sent Madi off to the village in the morning as she blended the best, being able to turn invisible and all. She headed to the village in the early hours of the morning; it was a time when most of the village's population would be too busy bustling along with their own live to notice her.

As for the rest of us, we were stuck waiting for her. We spent the time wisely though, taking everything out of all the packs and reorganising it. This way, if even one person, for whatever reason, got separated, they would have some supplies. Excluding Madi, she had taken every single water bottle we had in her rucksack. It turned out that anything she was holding also went invisible, so she could fill up the water bottles without being seen at all.

It was late afternoon when Madi returned, dragging the rucksack across the floor. "This is just too heavy for one person." She exclaimed. Blade fetched the back from her and began to take out all the bottles. We all collected around him like vultures, all desperately in need of a drink. We listened to Madi's report whilst we sat, gulping thirstily. "...and just look at this," She finished, "found them everywhere around the village, and apparently they are in other towns and villages too." She took a folded, crumpled sheet from her pocket and unfolded it, flashing it in front of our faces. It read in large, bold letters -

Anti - Enhanced

The government and the authorities aren't doing enough. Their patrols aren't stopping enough enhanced from entering and leaving civilised places. They slip away and are able to survive on the run for days, weeks, and months at a time without being caught by the authorities. And even when they are caught, most are not even killed. Instead, they are experimented on. What are they hoping to find out?? Enhanced are freaks. Enhanced are humans mutant creation that need to be eliminated. That's where we come in.

We are the Anti - Enhanced. If you hate the Enhanced as much as we do, join us. Join us now. We have various headquarters located in -
• Bellyn
• Aldrose
• Dorwynne
• Wyvernhurst

Enrol today, stop the threat!

No one said anything for quite some time. The silence was deafening, stretching out for countless moments.

"Alright then. They really hate us." Jason said, his voice trying to be light, but cracking instead.

"I say we get rid of 'em." Blade stated.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me, get rid of them. Storm their Bellyn base, it's not far from here. Show them we are not to just be 'eliminated'. That we won't go down without a fight."

"I agree." Rose said.

"Well if Rose agrees, we are with her." Taylor said, nodding to Frost who in turn nods too.

Blade began to smile, his grimace becoming a smirk as he relishes in the ideas his mind is already creating.

Theo then nods his head, "I'm up for it."

"I don't think it's a great idea, but it's an idea, and I'm not missing it." Jamie said confidently, a smile beginning to form on her face too.

"Me neither." Said Madi.

Jason looked at me for confirmation. I nod in acceptance, shrugging slightly. "Let's do it."


I hope that this was okay. Not the most exciting chapter, but I guarantee the next chapter will be better! Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it! I would love it if anyone could comment, (all feedback is greatly appreciated) vote and follow! Thanks! :-)

Dedicated to Millella for the new cover of Gifted, definitely someone to check out, especially if you need a cover!

Gifted #Wattys2015Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang