Ch.7 ~ Dream?

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Sandra's P.O.V

Since the night Louis tried to force himself on me, he hasn't been out his room. Not even to eat. When one of us brings food to his room he says he'll only except meals from Liam or else he doesn't open the door and eat. I'm a little worried but at the same time it's his choice to be up there locked up but not today.

Today we leave for the More Than This tour, (This hasn't happened yet.) and we're all done packing waiting for Louis to come down so we can leave but it's been half an hour and we already had breakfast without him.

"I should go check on him." Liam walks up the stairs to Louis' room and knocks.

"Let's get in the car or we'll be late for the plane." Harry speaks grabbing his and one of Liam's suitcases walking towards the entrance of the shared house.

Everyone gets their bags, grabbing at least a bit Liam's property he packed and walked out the door. I looked back. I did feel guilty of making him lock himself in there but I want to kill him then again I basically gave him the impression that I wanted to do the dirty with him...I'm such a slut. The kids at shcool were right. I should just- no. I'm going to take a pill and call my mom to tell her that I'm leaving already.

After we got my medicine,  Liam and Niall took me to see her and tell her that Lily and I were winners of a contest we entered and that the contest had a six-month plan in it. (The day after louis did what he did.)

I swallowed my pill with the water bottle Niall gave me earlier today and put my medicine tube thing in my back pocket and encase i lost it Niall and Liam have an extra each so if I feel like I'm dizzy and I don't have my little bottle one of then had it at hand and can give it to me.

I dialed my mother's speed dial number and pressed the phone to my ear waiting for her to pick up at the third ring.


"Hi mom."

"Hello tweet, how are you?" She calls me tweet because I used to whistle all the time at the birds when they chirped. It was that, Sleepy or Snow White. I like to sleep.

"I'm fine mommy. I'm just calling to tell you that I'm leaving right now and that what ever happens on the tour, no matter what, I love you."

"I love you too but why are you saying it like that? Did one of those fuckers get you pregnant? If they don't marry you or pay child support I'm chopping off their d-"

"Mum! No one got, gets or is going to get me pregnant. What are you talking about? All I'm saying is that if you see anything on the news about any of us that it won't be true and to not worry about it. Unless you fine one of us kissing someone or get in a fight then I started the fight and Lily started the kissing."

"I want to smack you upside the head right now you know that? You shall not start a fight and Lily shall not kiss anyone let alone hold their hand and if those management people want to pair you up they better call me to get approval because I will stab them-"

"And people say I'm violent." I laugh.

"Shut up you got that from me and if you wonder where you got big feet from ask your dad."

"Hey! That's mean!"

"Never said I was exactly nice."



"Shut up."

"What was that?" She said in a stern voice.

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