Chapter 12 ♪ Bananamontana

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"Audrina, wake up. We have to get ready." Chris said while shaking her waist. Her eyes slowly opened to see the sun shining into the bedroom onto her bed, they slept in separate beds again since Audrina wasn't ready to trust him again yet. Plus, she was still expecting her period and as days went by without having one, she became even more frightened. She rolled over onto her side to face Chris, seeing he was already dressed and his jet black hair was wet. The scent of his cologne slapped her in the face and the scent was absolutely overwhelming and pleasant, she could sit and just smell him for hours straight because of it, but she wouldn't do that of course. She was glad she took a shower last night before bed because obviously she had slept in a bit longer than she expected. Today was mother's day, it seemed they were both anxious about her meeting Chris' mother even though they weren't serious with each other nor dating, Chris wasn't so confident that his mom would like Audrina since he knew she absolutely adored Sabrina.

"What time is it?"

"A minute before twelve thirty, we have to leave here before one so get up." Chris demanded then released her waist, he stood up straight once Audrina sat up in bed and scratched her skull. She glanced at him and realized how decent he looked today, he wasn't wearing any band shirts nor any kind of black skinny jeans that went with that. He wore a long sleeve button-up white shirt that he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows (she noticed he liked revealing his tattoos at times) and he had a black tie, black jeans and black/white sneakers. Although he wore his piercings and had the black eye shadow (or whatever he used) around both of his eyes, but that was just Chris Motionless for you.

"I'm awake, just barely." Audrina told him then pushed back the blankets, she slung her legs over the side of the bed then stood up and began stumbling towards the bathroom while Chris followed after her, but he walked into his bedroom to gather his wallet and phone. He slid his black wallet down his right back pocket then grasped his phone and checked to see if he had missed calls or text messages and he did have text messages, from several people.

Ricky: Have you two killed each other yet?

Sabrina: I love you Chris.

Nick: Have you left the house yet? Chelsea has already picked mom up.

Larry (dad): Glad Carolina Rebellion went well, where to next?

Chris sighed and began responding to these text messages quickly so he could finish getting ready.

Chris to Ricky: No, we're fine, thank you?

Chris to Sabrina: You're too sweet.

Chris to Nick: No I haven't left the house yet. Well, have Chelsea stall for a bit?

Chris to dad: I'm not sure yet.

"Chris!" Audrina's voice exclaimed, he jumped slightly then pressed send on his phone then slid it down his pocket.

"What's wrong?" he called while walking out of the bedroom, she was just walking out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. "what's up?"

"I started my period." she said with a big smile, a smile came across Chris' face then he raised his hand and gave her a high five.

"That's probably the best thing that has happened to us since we got here."

"I agree, but if you do it again I will hurt you. Do you understand me?"

"Yes I do, now hurry. My brother is freaking out that I haven't left the house yet." Chris told her then went into the bathroom to dry his hair. She walked into her bedroom and stood in front of her closet, pushing clothes back to find a shirt. She decided on a black lace tank top and threw that on after putting on a black bra, she opened the dresser drawer and grabbed white shorts and ankle white socks, then she tied on her converses. She rubbed on deodorant, sprayed perfume, then grasped her makeup bag and headed into the bathroom to do her makeup. She put on her foundation, white eye shadow, black eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. She brushed her hair a few times then let it flow over her shoulders, brushed her teeth then she gave one last look at her reflection and flashed a smile.

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