Chapter 4 ♪ Contemptress

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Before six thirty, Audrina was back at her house packing with Chris and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was very supportive with this decision to go back to wherever Chris lived to talk about things and "work" things out, she was more excited about it than anything, and secretly hoped they started dating while Audrina was gone. While Audrina packed she was on the phone with her mother, explaining that she was going on a small vacation with some friends of hers. Her mother (of course) didn't know about Chris, and Audrina wasn't going to explain now, because her stepfather would have a fit and would definitely want his hands around Chris' throat.

"How long will you be gone, though?" Sandy asked as Audrina gathered feminine things she would definitely need.

"I'm not sure yet," Audrina replied with honesty. "but could you possibly help me with the house?"

"How would you like me to do that?" Sandy asked her, Audrina zipped her black bag then handed it to Chris who stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He took it then walked away to pack it into the tour bus that was parked outside.

"Just check on the house every now and then, I'll send money to my landlord though. I have that under control."

"Audrina, are you even sure you're prepared to take a vacation for however long you're planning on being gone for?" asked her mother, Audrina chewed her bottom lip then glanced in the mirror, and as she answered she watched the expression on her face.

"Of course I am, mom. Things will be fine, I promise."

All of that was a lie and her expression proved it.

"Well," Sandy began then paused, but she realized her daughter was an adult. She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, with whoever she wanted. "just please be careful."

"I will mom, I'll call you soon. I have to finish packing, okay?"

"Call me as soon as you can, or I will call you. Have fun Audrina, I love you, bye!"

"Love you too mom, bye." Audrina finished, then hung up the phone. She turned off her bathroom light then returned to her bedroom, seeing the bags she had packed were gone and probably on the bus now. She locked the windows, closed the blinds, then closed the curtains. So, if there was a break in someone would realize it. She turned off the lights, shut the door, then walked down the short hallway to her living room to see Elizabeth approaching her with a smile. She held out her arms then hugged Audrina tightly with a smile, and Audrina returned that smile and hug.

"Are you going to fall in love with him, while you're gone?" she asked, Audrina laughed once.

"No way."

"Alright, I believe you. Have fun, I want to see a lot of pictures of you doing whatever. Seriously."

"Are you ready?" Chris asked, he was standing halfway in the house, looking at Audrina with a look.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second."

Chris nodded once then walked off, the girls hugged tighter and Elizabeth wished Audrina luck at least a billion times before they finally walked outside. Audrina handed Elizabeth an extra key to her house, said bye then climbed onto the tour bus. The tour bus was cleaner than it was the first time she had seen it, did they actually clean up just because a girl was joining them? Not that she was complaining, she hated when a house or vehicle was dirty, she was strange like that. The man driving the bus had a smile on his face, he looked like he was in his late thirties.

"Welcome to the Motionless In White tour bus," the man said with a smile as Chris shut the door. "would you like a couch or a small bunk?"

"Ha ha, just be thankful you have a couch Bobby." Chris told him, he placed a hand on Audrina's hip and moved her forward to the living room.

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