Chapter 9 ♪ Creatures

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After they finished eating at Ihop Chris decided to take her into the city for a bit to walk around, the sun was burning brightly and the heat was getting hotter. He found a nice parking spot in the parking garage at the mall (she wanted to go to the mall and after agreeing that they could stop in Hot Topic, Chris agreed to go) they walked side to side as they approached the doors, he opened one for her then followed her inside. He wore sunglasses in hopes that somehow that would throw people off if they try to identify him, but Audrina knew that wouldn't work.

"We're going to the places I want to look at first." Audrina told him, he groaned.

"Damn, then I may as well move in. I know how girls work in malls."

"I'm not that bad Chris, besides I don't have a lot of money anyways. I'm not going to buy every little thing from each and every store."

"Good, now where do you want to go?"

"Bath and body works." Audrina replied, he sighed.

"Oh fuck me, I hate that place. That's a girl's place, what do you think they'll say if they see me?"

"They'll probably tell you where Hot Topic is." Audrina said with a laugh, he bumped into her playfully.

"Oh shut up, you look just like me."

"How do you figure?" she asked him, he laughed.

"Have you not look at yourself Audrina? You have dyed hair and tattoos."

"Yes but you're covered in tattoos, you have three lip piercings and you have your ears gauged." Audrina pointed out, he groaned then followed her into the Bath and Body Works store, he caught the scent of lotion and perfume immediately.

"Welcome to bath and body works, everything in the store is ten percent off. Can I help you with anything?" greeted a girl with a smile, Audrina returned a friendly smile.

"No we're good, thank you though."

"Let me know if you need anything."

Chris followed Audrina around the store as she sniffed lotion and perfume, she even made him sniff some but he didn't like any scent she picked out.

"What about this, picky?" Audrina asked, he leaned down and sniffed her wrist where she sprayed the perfume.

"Not bad, what is it?"

"Twilight Woods." she responded, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Get it if you want it."

She decided on Twilight woods lotion, perfume and body wash. She paid for it herself, grasped her bag then followed Chris out of the store.

"I thought you were fired from your job?" he asked her suddenly.

"I am unemployed at the moment Chris, but I'm here with you so I can't look for one."

"Oh," he said, she bit her bottom lip then suddenly he put his arm around her. "you hate when I do this don't you?"

"I don't particularly like it because it's meaningless Christopher," she told him with slight irritation in her voice. He pulled her tighter against his side and gave her a hard squeeze, she gasped for air and spotted Hot Topic in front of them.

"Shut up, you hate things too much. Is there anything you like?"

"Yes there is." she told him, he released her then they entered Hot Topic. He kept his head down since Hot Topic was busier than he expected. He looked at shirts, piercings and even some jewelry. Audrina had ditched him at the piercings, she looked at the "girl things" that they had, some dresses, tights, bras, jeans and jewelry. As she looked at the bras she saw a Ouija design bra and matching panties, it was awesome and she was actually debating if she should buy it or not. Suddenly she felt a hand slide up under her shirt and rested on her hip, she jumped then felt piercings against her cheek.

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