Chapter 13 - A Kiss and a Candle

Start from the beginning

"Ja, but they won't let Y/N in."

The albino points at you and you hold your hands up.

"It's fine; I'll just catch a cab back."

Ludwig's eyes narrow and you can tell he dislikes the subject.

"Wait for us here, we will head back together."

You nod your head not wanting to argue, holding the blanket closer to you; you head over to one of the many chairs in the lobby and take a seat.

Watching Gilbert and Ludwig disappear into the elevator, a bored expression crosses your face as you lean back into the chair.

So someone tried to kill Ludwig.

With a taxi.

Gotta give 'em props for being weird.

But seriously.

What the hell?

Like how do you get timing that perfect?

"Ugh..." You moan, your right hand falling down your face and stretching your skin.

"Excuse me, Miss, may I have a vord?"

You look up to see a woman dressed in black hovering above you.

"Sure, take a seat." You pat the spot next to you. She shakes her head.

"In private."

"No way." You laugh. Her eyes narrow before she speaks again.

"You're Zhe Rose correct? I am Zhe Iris, my partner zhe is vith me is zhe Zhorn." She whispers quietly so only you can hear. You wince at her horrible accent.

"I thought I was the only officer stationed here?" You snarl, and she makes a motion for you to calm down.

"Please, not here. Come speak vith us." You stand up reluctantly and a large trench coat was tossed into your face.

"Put zhat on and leave zhe blanket here."

"Yeah, yeah." You just wanted the woman to shut the hell up.

Following her out of the lobby, you follow her into the elevator and up to the second floor where the doctor offices were.

Going down a few more white hallways you end up in an isolated room. The door clicks behind you.

"Ve vork here, zhat is how ve knew about zhe taxi." The girl goes in her horrible German; you give the girl a glare.

"Do you speak English?" You snap... In well, English.


"Speak English." You growl taking a seat in one of the spare chairs.

"What, do you have a problem?" The person who called herself The Iris responded.

"Yup, your German is shit. I don't even get how you ended up here. Your partner in the taxi though? He was actually fairly good."

"Why thank you. Iris I brought lunch." The man from the taxi walks in, a bored look on his face. He tosses a sandwich to Iris, offering you one. You take it grudgingly, setting it in your lap you wonder if you could throw it into someones face and get away with it.

Eagle and Dove; Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now