Chapter 1

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Joshua Dun was sitting at his desk, studying for the upcoming test when he heard his mother call up to him that dinner was ready.

"One minute mom! I'm studying," he hollered down the spiral stairs that lead down to the kitchen.

"Okay but it's starting to get cold so hurry it up mister," she yelled. Then she turned around to see josh was standing right behind her. "Oh you're down here already,"

Josh helped his mother set the table. He really liked to help her out since it was just them now. Josh has lived in this neighborhood for his entire life with his mom and dad. His father had passed away a few years ago. They were on their own now.

They sat down to eat and started to talk about their days. Josh talked about school while his mom talked about her day at work. He knew his mom wanted to hear that he had a good day, so that's what he told her. Even if it wasn't 100% true.

He was thankful that it was Friday though. The weekend is where he didn't have to face the people at school. All of them were jerks. He always hoped Monday would be better every week but it never really happened.

"Are you ever going to invite over any friends, Joshua?"


"I've been talking to you this whole time, weren't you paying attention?"


"Anyways, I said when are you going to have friends over?"

"About that... I don't really have any."

"Well why don't you try to make some on Monday."

"It's not that easy."

What he didn't know is that it might just be that easy.

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