He's gone..

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"Hey give it back!" The middle school boy yelled for his notebook of drawings as older kids tossed it around.
"Or what? Huh?" A big kid laughed as he tossed the book around. From a far away point of view a girl was staring at them , anger rising.
"You ok?" One of her friends asked as she stared at her direction. "Oh wow another nerd." Her friend laughed. The girl looked at her and glared.
"Don't talk about him like that! he's like anyone else." The girl spat. The friend only rolled her eyes and walked away. The girl turned around and saw the boy picking up his book from a puddle all driping wet. The girl walked over and kneeled down.
"You ok?" She asked. The boy looked at her in awe.
"Y-yea..it's just a typical day." He said sighing and getting up as the girl followed.
"Well..i hate how they're treating you..you don't deserve that." She scoffed. The boy smiled at her,
"T-Thanks..i really have no friends.." The girl smiled and took his hand in her's.
"Im you're friend." She said. The boy smiled.
After that day and on the girl and boy became friends. Best of friends. But the bullying wasn't going anywhere good. The bullies unaware the boy's mother had just died and living with a abusive father.
"Please you have to speak up! This is going too far!" She said wiping the egg yolk they cracked on his head as a 'joke'
"No! if you we're really my friend you wouldn't say a word!"
"If im you're friend i would do what's best for you and speak up!" She said
"Then i guess we're not friend!" He spat getting up and running home as the girl screamed his name.
"Come back!" She ran after him but lost him.
Later that night she got a text:
I love you..i love you so much..im sorry but i can't anymore..you are my friend but..this life..it's too hard for me...i can not anymore...Im sorry..I love you but i can't anymore.
The girl then threw her phone on the ground and ran out of her house as her father and mother yelled her name. She ran in the pouring rain. She made it to the boy's house and knocked on the door. No one. She had no choice and turned the knob and it was open. The absusive father not home , she ran to the boy's room. She looked inside. Nothing. She looked in the bathroom. Nothing. She looked everywhere. Nothing. She then checked the roof. She walked out on the roof and it was still raining. She saw the boy on the edge ready to jump.
"Don't do it!" She yelled. The boy turned her way and gasped.
"You shouldnt be here! I don't want you to see this." He said. The girls eyes filled with tears.
"Please please don't do this. If you loved me you wouldn't do this! Please..i need you!" She cried. The boy only stared at her.
"If i loved you i would make sure you get the best and i am not the best." He said. The girl walked towards him and hugged him careful of the edge.
"You are the best for me! Please.." She sobbed. The boy didn't wanna stay on the cruel world and he didn't wanna leave the love of his life.
"Come with me." He said.
"W-what?" She looked at him.
"we'll live happily and peacefully and no one will ever hurt us. Besides , you'll be the most beautiful angel." The girl stayed silent.
"But we can do that here! By living! Please..We can do anything if we're together." The boy sighed and kissed her one first and last time.
"I can't." He whispered. He pulled away and backed up. "I love you.." He said and..Jumped. The girl screamed as she tried to catch him.
"NO!" She yelled. She ran down and saw his lifeless body. She cried ..
After that night she wasn't happy she wasn't ok but tried to move on. Years passed and she grew up to be a wonderful woman and have kids and a loving husband. One day the girl walked to the porch of her house and stood seeing the garden and in the middle? It was a huge heart which in the middle was a picture of her and the boy.
"I love you too.." She whispered.

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