That feeling..

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Have you ever felt that feeling when you loose someone you think you can't ever find someone like them or think that even though you told them their everything and that if we loose them it won't be the same but then still wasn't enough...
but mostly...Best friends. That person you could laugh and tell everything too and when you need someone their there. They aren't your mom or dad or sibblings you could talk to but your other half...if you ever loose them you think that half of you has left and half of you can't make it anymore. It's that moment in life where you can finally say you gave up or im done because that other half just ripped you're heart away and...takes it away. Sadly,You have to look in a mirror and see the tears in your eyes,you're hair a mess,and you're clothes like whatever and look at yourself and hold back the tears,memories,and finally hold back the scream that you want them back. You can't bare another second from them... But you have to be strong and whisper..
They are gone.
No matter how much you cry or how much you wanna scream or how much you block people out there will be a time we're you then know Nothing will bring them back
Like this the next chapter you will see a story. It's not based on a true story but could be....Continue reading but bare the saddness...

feelingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant