Chapter 11 - About Nixon

Start from the beginning

"Tell me about yourself." I say, resting my head on his shoulder, getting cozy.

"There's not that much to tell, Sorren." He says, looking at the city lights.

I frown. "Then tell me what you can. I want to know more about you."

"Question for a question?" He asks, smirking at me.


"You first, sunshine."

I smile at the nickname he's given me, and let a small blush take over my cheeks. Nixon suddenly takes his other hand, that isn't resting over my shoulders, and grabs my hand, twining our fingers together.

I never thought I'd say this, but this just feels so natural. So right, despite is being so wrong.

"Are you a super senior?" Super senior being someone that has stayed in high school for another year. Basically repeating senior year.

Nixon laughs out loud. "Hell no! I'm smarter than that."

I smile and blush slightly. "Your turn."

"When were you born?"

"June eighteenth, nineteen ninety-two." 

"Twenty-three years old?" He snorts. "Craddle robber."

I gasp, and hit his chest, laughing. "Don't call me that, you ass!"

Nixon laughs and leans away from me, to keep me from hitting him anymore. His lip ring glimmers in the moon light and he just looks so perfect. His smile. His face. His eyes. His everything. Nixon suddenly turns to me, catching me staring.

"You staring at me Ms. Kanes?" He whispers, leaning towards me slowly.

I just blush and nod.

"Good, 'cause I'm going to be honest, I've been staring at you a good amount of the night." He says, leaning even closer.

I look into his brown eyes, and I just feel at peace. I feel like he's staring into the depths of my soul, but that's exactly what I want him to see . I want him to see every part of me and not run away. Not that every man has, I just want him to see all of me. I want him to see my crazy work self, my crazy drunk self, my crazy self.

"Sorren, I plan on kissing you right now." He says huskily, wrapping an arm around me tightly.

"Then do it." I whisper, putting a hand on his cheek.

He has me under his spell. There's no stopping this. I want his lips on mine just as bad as I need air to  breathe.

When his lips touch mine, fireworks go off in my head and I just can't help but pull him closer, making the kiss deeper. His arm tightens around me, and he brings his other hand to touch my waist, squeezing it slightly.

I pull away after a couple minutes of us kissing softly. I lick my lips and smile at Nixon, he returns the smile and kisses my cheek, before cuddling me closer to his body. I felt so small and so safe in his arms. It was wonderful.

"I do want to know more about you though." I tell him, grabbing one of his hands with mine.

"What do you want to know?" I can hear a smile in his deep voice.


"It's not the happiest of stories." He tells me, suddenly serious.

"If you don't want to tell me tha-"

He cut's me off. "It's not that. It's just going to take me a minute."

I nod in understanding, waiting patiently.

"When I was younger I was in this horrific car accident on the highway. Drunk driver of all fucking things, swerved into our lane, hit us head on. It changed everything. I lost my dad, nearly lost my mom. My two month old sister died on impact. I was eight when it happened. I got a broken rib, broken leg and arm, with a whole bunch of scratches and bruises. I practically lost it all. My life used to be easy before the accident. My grandmother ended up raising me after that. Ever since then I've been a little troubled. A couple therapists here and there, but in the end I just stopped going. They weren't going to fix me. Nothing could. I lost my family."

"What happened to your mom? You said you nearly lost her." I didn't want to pry, but his story captivated me. I was finally learning something about the mysterious bad boy.

"She's in the hospital still. She's been in a coma." His voice is monotone. Clearly, he doesn't like talking about his mom.

My eyes widen. "She's been in a coma for ten years?"

"Pretty much."

"Is there any sign of her waking up?"

I felt so terrible. Pity is probably the one thing he doesn't need, but I can't help but pity him. He's lost it all basically. No dad, no mom, no siblings. All he had was his grandmother.

"After the first year, the doctors wanted to pull the plug. I begged my grandmother not to. I can't bare the thought of losing my whole family, so we've kept her on life support, waiting." Nixon started to play with my fingers, finding them to be the most interesting thing at the moment. He laughed humorlessly. "I had my grandmother sure, but she didn't really care about me enough. She just lost her son. The only daughter she's ever known, and a granddaughter. All that was left was me. She always kind of resented me in a way. Not liking that I was the only survivor of the crash. I know for a fact that sometimes she wishes that it was my dad instead. He was her whole world, and he was surely a momma's boy." He smiles slightly at the end.

I grab his hand and hold it tight. "You know if you ever have a problem with your grandmother, you can talk to me." I know it's probably not much, but it's all that I can offer.

"Thanks, but when she's being a bitch I just spend the night at Dawson's and rant. I practically live there these days." He says thoughtfully.

"Why's that?"

"Well for one, we live at the old house. So it's a constant reminder of the family that once was. And my grandmother has decided that alcohol makes the world a little better. Let's just say she's not the most pleasant drunk."

I give him a sad look and snuggle into him closer, wrapping both of my arms around him. This boy has been through way too much at such a young age. Been through shit no kid should have to go through, and he still turned out a good guy. Just a little troubled. But who isn't these days?

Nixon pulls me impossibly closer and kisses the top of my head.

After that we both just sit in silence looking out at the city.


Hello my people :) Sorry for the late update, but here's one now! Enjoy it. Live it. Love it.

:) -FallenTorment16


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