Chapter 13 - A Challenging Morning Tea

Start from the beginning

"There is nothing wrong with Alexia," said Nada weakly.

"Really," said Amanda mockingly. "Are you too stupid to notice she doesn't eat a thing? It's called an-or-ex-ia." She enunciated each syllable to emphasise her point.

Don't react, don't react, Simone told herself. One of Simone's faults was her belief in loyalty. Even if you were going to stab her in the back afterwards, if you had an obligation to each other, she'd defend you. The rule applied to friends, puppies, kittens, even the odd injured bat.

She stood up slowly. "I don't recall inviting you two to join us. If it wasn't for the stupid rules around here I'd slap your ugly mug."

Amanda stood up as well. "Is that a challenge?" She was broader and stockier than Simone.

"Take it however you want to."

"Simone, you probably shouldn't..." said Nada.

"Fine, I accept your formal challenge." To Simone's surprise Janie called out in a loud voice: "A formal challenge has been issued and accepted. We need a qualified referee."

"Oh Simone, didn't you pay attention in class last week?" said Nada. "You're in trouble now."

"Which class?" Simone's stomach felt queasy. She wondered if it was the sickly sweet melon balls.

A priestess a few years older than them, a Fire Priestess by her dreadlocks and dress, stood up. "I, Warrior Ami, offer my services." Simone recognised her as the guard who had shaved their heads during the initiation ritual.

"Warrior Ami accepted as referee," said Janie formally.

It sounded suspiciously routine. Simone knew she was missing something.

"Clear a space," Ami bellowed. A number of tables were quickly removed to clear a large expanse of grass approximately four by four metres. Using her hands in what Simone could have sworn was a simple mudra, Ami drew a square in the air that trailed sparks.

The edge of the cleared grass patch sputtered into flame that quickly died, leaving a broad swathe of ash to demarcate the area. This was rapidly surrounded by other initiates. Instead of the cheers and shouts Simone was used to from other playground battles, they were eerily silent. She wondered if she'd get to slap Jamie's chubby little cheeks with a lace glove and if the others would applaud politely.

Simone felt physically ill.

"Do you understand the challenge and rules and accept the consequences of your actions?" Ami asked. Apparently Simone wouldn't be sizing up Janie as Amanda nodded, spitting on her hands and rubbing them together.

"No," said Simone. She was really confused.

"I thought you issued the challenge," Ami said to Simone, looking askance at Janie.

"She did," said Janie, all wide blue eyes and innocence. "There are witnesses."

Looking at Simone and Nada's obvious dismay Ami said, "I believe there is some trickery afoot but once a challenge has been issued and accepted it cannot be withdrawn. In brief, the rules are as follows: as Earth Years, no weapons other than the body can be used; the bout can last no longer than five minutes and you have to accept all consequences, be that injury, facing the wrath of the Elders for disrupting lessons and any other such events."

She paused and waited for each to nod before continueing: "You win if you force your opponent to leave the fight area, hold them down for my count, knock them out, or if they verbally indicate surrender. There are also points allocated for moves should none of these occur."

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