book 2

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Alright guys! It's finally here!.....kind got two chapters finished so far and I'm starting the third! So I think now's a good time to tell me when I should publish it! I'll wait will enough people have seen this chapter but here's a little sneak peek~

Mike pov~

"Uuuuggh....." RING RIN RIIIING!. "Shut it! I get it! Your a phone now calm yourself!" Ring riiiiing!!!! "That's a little better but still! I'm trying to sleep!". I groaned as I sat up and looked at my phone. I was shocked and rubbed my eyes not believing what my phone was saying. "Huh..Boss."

I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. "......Hello...?" I heard a familiar voice sigh. "Thank goodness you answered. Really worried me there for a minute Schmidt" I chuckled. "wow boss, What a surprise! You called me, who knows how long it's been since I talked to you and your worried about me? Did you have a stroke or something and you for some reason you see the world in a new way?". Boss chuckled. "No not really, I though I had to hire a new guy who would actually have the sense to quit after the first night and sue me and the company".

"Real funny boss, Now why did you call me? I'm trying to sleep". "Yeah you need some beauty sleep don't ya?! Hehehehe anyway I wanted to tell you that the place has three spots open for the night shift. It starts at 12 am and ends at 6am~!" I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Oh that's cool, better go find idiots who would". Boss chuckled again

"That's why I called you, anyway! Your hired and if you want you can bring your two friends with you, you know? The shy shuddering guy and the cute girl". my mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. "DID YOU JUST CALL MIKU CUTE?!?". At this point I was trying not to laugh. "WHAT?! Mike! How dare you accuse me of that! She is a valuable employee!"

(Finished) This mangle of emotions (FoxyXMangle)Where stories live. Discover now