Chapter 1

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Jose's POV

"It's been six fucking months! How the fuck have you not found her yet?" I growled out at my Beta in frustration as my fangs elongated from the anger that filled my body. 

"Alpha her scent ends at the same spot, that pond. It just vanishes completely as if she vanished into thin air." He said keeping his eyes on the ground in fear of angering me any more.

I growled in even more frustration as I pull at my hair welcoming the stinging sensation as a relief from the pain in my chest. I have stayed cooped up in her office because her scent lingers in the air and furniture in here. Her bedroom helps but the office has a more concentrated scent of my mate. It helps keep my wolf from taking control and lashing out from anger because of his mates absence.

Before I could answer him, the doors to her office opened and in walked her brother looking as exhausted as I did with bags under his eyes and hair untamed. This time it was different he walked in faster than usual and with a little bit of hope in his eyes confusing me.

"We found her." My heart skipped a beat as the words left his mouth

"You what?" I asked in shock and doubt that I heard him correctly 

"We finally found her. " Jayden smiled as he repeated his words and a smile spread across his face.

I wasted no time in following him to where my mate was,I followed him until we were outside of the pack house. We shifted and followed the scent to his other brother and Derek. The trip lasted a good hour and a half running at full speed.

When we arrived I spotted both men hunched down behind a bush that was barely tall enough to cover them. I followed their lead and hunched down, so low my chest grazed the ground, then looked at what they were focusing at.

It was a cabin that looked like it was fairly new and hadn't been her more than a couple of months. It was one of those cabins made from actual trees so it was brown on the outside with slight green tinges of moss growing on the wood. It was plain and not many windows from where I was standing. It looked like no one was living in it as the lights weren't on and no sounds were emitting from it. The only thing giving whoever was inside with my mate away was the scent.

It smelt like darkness like pure evil was in there with my mate. It made the hairs on the back of my wolf neck stand up in an alert stance. My wolf was on edge from the smell that came from that cabin and the fact that it was in there with our mate didn't help settle either one of us.

Jose, I need to tell you something  Derek said as he didn't take his eyes off of the cabin.

What is it? I asked impatiently because my mate was inside and my wolf's patience was on thin ice.

My mate is in there. Now whatever you do do not kill anybody. He growled out as his eyes stayed glued to the cabin as if hoping to catch a glimpse of his mate.

Well, they took my mate I will kill whoever harmed her. I growled out focusing my eyes back on the cabin myself as I too hoped to catch a glimpse of her.

Jose please he pleaded, making me and my wolf look at him in utter shock because Derek out of the entire time we have known each other never ever pleaded. He didn't even seem like the type to plead for anything. I mean he was so powerful what couldn't he get himself? But then again mates will do that to you, they let you see that there are things to fight for and things to die for. They give you a reason to continue fighting and a reason to not fight, I can't imagine the pain it causes to feel the death of your mate. I will do everything in my power to avoid that pain no matter the cost.

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