Chapter 8

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I know this chapter is short but I thought it was necessary for the characters! I hope you enjoy it : ) 

Chapter 8

“What am I going to do?” Blakely muttered, pulling her tear stained face away from Callum’s chest. She looked up at his face; tears welled up in the corners of his own eyes.

“I’m not really sure…but we’ll get through this.” Callum said, forcing a smile onto his face, “let’s start by finding you a place to stay, and then maybe we can contact the police?”

Blakely nodded her head, wiping the tears from her eyes. She turned from Callum and started walking back in the direction of Sophie’s place, she figured talking to Sophie would be a good start.

Callum walked slowly next to Blakely, and looked at her funny when he heard her let out a quiet chuckle.

Blakely looked at Callum back, realizing she laughed out loud, “I just…can’t believe I’m going to do this. I’ve dreamed of this but never thought I could do it. Thanks.” Blakely flashed a smile in Callum’s direction, feeling a huge weight lifting off of her shoulders. She was never going to get beaten again; she was going to fight the bastard until he was in jail.

“No need to thank me, I’m just so happy that you decided this. Seeing you at the bar last night with him angered me so badly, I could barely handle myself. I’m proud of you for making this decision.”

“Yeah…me too.”

Callum and Blakely made the quick walk back to Sophie’s apartment, Blakely decided she was going to tell Sophie what was happening and see if she could stay with her until Rob was out of the loft. Standing in front of her door, Blakely took a deep breath, glanced at Callum, and knocked on the door they left only 15 minutes earlier.

After five minutes of nervously waiting, Blakely finally heard someone walking to the door. Sophie answered, a confused look fixed on her face. She looked behind her at the couch, where she assumed Callum and Blakely still were, and then looked back, “what’s going on?” She asked, her voice hoarse from the night before. “Are you okay?” She asked, noticing the redness of Blakely’s eyes.

“I…um…need to talk to you.” Blakely said, speaking slowly, she was unsure of what to say; besides Callum she had never talked to anyone about this.

“What’s going on?” Sophie asked, confused about the situation, she pulled both Blakely and Callum inside her apartment and shut the door behind them. “What’s going on?” She asked again waiting impatiently for Blakely to speak. 

“I was, uh, wondering if I could maybe stay with you for a few days?” Blakely started, fidgeting with the ring on her finger. She could feel her eyes getting heavy with tears before she even brought the subject up. This was going to be the first time she ever said that Rob was abusing her out loud. She took a deep breath, letting the air gradually escape from her lungs. “Rob abuses me and I’m finally going to do something about it.” She spit out, sitting down at the kitchen table.

Sophie looked up at Callum and then back down at Blakely, “Oh my god. Are you serious? Oh my god, yes of course you can stay here for as long as you need.” Sophie paced in the kitchen, taking in all of the information. “Your burn? Bruises? Oh Blake, I had no idea.” Sophie cried, hugging Blakely tightly.

“It’s okay. I’ve been hiding it for years. No one knows except for Callum…who, who saved me last Friday night at Bart’s.”

Sophie released Blakely, looking from Callum to Blakely again, still shocked from the information. She thought for a second before saying, “my aunt was a victim of domestic violence. My uncle abused her for years until she finally told someone.” Sophie whispered, turning from the two of them. She ran into her bedroom, grabbed a camera, and closed the bedroom door behind her, careful to not wake up Christopher. “First things first, we need to take pictures of any cuts, bruises, or scars he has left on you.”

Blakely was shocked by the seriousness and urgency Sophie handled the situation with. She hadn’t the slightest idea how to go about getting rid of Rob, but she was glad Callum took the first step and Sophie was taking the next. For the first time in years Blakely didn’t feel so alone, she had friends, and she had support. She could do this. 

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