Chapter 7

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Thanks so much for all of the support! I am having a blast writing this story, and I hope you are enjoying it just as much. Let me know what you think of this new chapter : ) 

Chapter 7

After drinking a few more beers, taking a few more shots and barely listening to the live music, the four of them walked the short distance back to Sophie’s large apartment. Sophie and Christopher, who had been secretly seeing one another, slipped off into Sophie’s bedroom, leaving Blakely and Callum alone in the family room.

Blakely randomly let out a loud laugh, pulling her bare feet up onto the couch underneath her body, “I never thought I liked the taste of whiskey.” She laughed again, placing her hand over her mouth to keep quiet.

Callum chuckled at Blakely, taking a seat on the other end of the couch, “you are drunk.” He said playfully taking the cup of liquor, Sophie made for Blakely, out of her hand.

“I most certainly am not!” Blakely retorted attempting to grab the plastic cup from Callum’s hands.

“Love, you are smashed.” Callum said through a smile, pulling the cup further from Blakely’s reach.

Blakely giggled, leaning over Callum’s body, reaching for the cup. “No way! I can handle my booze; I just haven’t drank in a long time. Rob doesn’t really like it when I drink.” Blakely continued smiling, giving up on the cup and sitting back down on the couch.

Unsure on how to respond, Callum stood up from the couch, “I’m going to grab some blankets for us.” He walked over to a closet and pulled out two heavy blankets and a pillow from the top shelf. “Hear, lay down.” He instructed.

Blakely obeyed, lying along the leather couch. Callum placed the pillow underneath her head, and gracefully threw the blanket over top of her. He then grabbed a couch pillow throwing it on the floor directly below Blakely, and laid down himself. Thinking Blakely was asleep already; he covered himself with the other blanket and closed his eyes.

“Why are you so nice to me?” Blakely muttered.

Callum’s eyes shot open, “you are a really special girl, Blake. It shouldn’t come to a surprise that someone is nice to you.”

“I never…I never got to say thank you for saving me that night.” She spoke slowly, exhaustion taking over her body.

“I want to protect you. I need to protect you. Please…let me help you. Let me…let me…take you out to dinner.” Callum spoke, words flying out of his mouth without realizing what he was saying. He waited for Blakely’s response. “Blake?” He asked, raising his body to look on the couch, but saw that she was fast asleep.

Blakely’s eyes popped open at the smell of freshly made coffee, but as her eyes were exposed to the light she nearly vomited all over the couch. She sat up, placing her hands over her eyes to shield them from the light peaking in through the blinds.

“Good morning, darling.” Callum hummed from the kitchen. He started towards her, a mug in each hand, “here, thought you might need this.”

Blakely reached for the mug, pulling it directly to her lips and taking as big of a gulp as she could without burning her mouth.

Callum took the seat on the couch next to Blakely, running his free hand through his messy curls. He was dressed in a black V-neck tee shirt and the pair of jeans he had on last night. Blakely couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked, especially the morning after a night of drinking. Callum caught Blakely staring at him and he immediately smiled, showing off a set of dimples that Blakely was only now noticing.

“What time is it?” Blakely asked quickly, staring down at her own wrinkled clothes that she slept in.

“Only 7:30.”

“Why are we up?”

“I always get up early, I’m not sure why you are up.”

Blakely threw her head back on the pillow, groaning. She stretched her feet out as far as she could without touching Callum. “I barely remember anything after the third shot last night.”

“Ah, I figured you couldn’t handle your liquor as much as you claimed.” Callum joked, letting out a soft laugh, “nah, you were entertaining, had me in stiches all night.”

Blakely blushed, turning on her side so she could somewhat see Callum’s face. “Well…glad to have been entertainment for the night.” She laughed, locking her eyes with Callum’s.

“Do you remember getting up on stage and singing with the band?”

Blakely’s eyes widened and she sprung up from the couch, grabbing her stomach at the sudden movement, “Oh my god, no I didn’t.”

Callum laughed loudly, his deep chuckles filling up the room. “No, no you didn’t. But that would have been spectacular.”

“Don’t do that to me! Trust me, with enough drinks you might be able to get me up on stage.” laughing and playfully smacking Callum on the arm, Blakely swung her legs over the side of the couch and stood up, “I should get going.”

Callum nearly leaped up from the couch, he was dreading this moment, “let me walk you home.” He grabbed Blakely’s empty coffee mug from her hand and placed both mugs in the sink.

“That’s probably not such a good idea.” Blakely said, folding up the blanket she slept with.

“Come on, I have to jump on the tube to get home, I’ll be heading in that direction anyways.”

“Alright then.” Blakely smiled placing the neatly folded blanket in Callum’s arms, on top of the blanket he folded.

He placed both blankets and the pillow back in the closet where he found them and pulled his black sweater over his head. “Great, lets go.”

They walked out of the apartment, down the stairs, and outside, neither prepared for the cold morning air that hit them. 

The two of them walked along the sidewalk, neither saying a word.Blakely wrapped her arms around her cold body, her heart pounding as she crept closer to her loft. She stopped a few feet in front of it and looked up at Callum, “Well, thanks for walking-”

“Don’t go in there.” Callum cut her off knowing this was his final shot at helping her. “Please…you can come back with me, or I could get you a hotel, or go back to Sophie’s. I know she’d help you…we could all help you. We could call the police, we could…we could…do something.” Callum pleaded, sympathy filled his eyes.

Tears welled up in Blakely’s eyes; she had never felt this much support in her life. She knew this was the moment to change her life; she might never receive this opportunity again. She slowly nodded her head, tears falling from her eyes. Callum pulled her into him, wrapping his long arms around her petite body, listening to Blakely weep against his chest. 

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