Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“You are a worthless whore.” He spoke in a quiet, hushed voice, small drops of spit escaping his mouth with every word. “You don’t get the privilege in telling me no.” He pushed his hand against his girlfriend’s shoulders, while the other cupped her mouth. Her body was pressed up against a brick wall in the shadows behind a pub. The man’s once styled blond hair was now tousled over his right eye and his Calvin Klein cologne was masked by the scent of whiskey.

There was obvious fear in her eyes, but the will to fight back had fled long ago. She knew if she stood silent and let her boyfriend finish with what he started, it would be less painful and over quicker. Her dark chestnut hair, which was tied neatly in a bun earlier, had fallen down her back in tangles. She had tears in her eyes, and a lump already forming on the back of her head.

Her boyfriend had spotted her talking to a guy friend from work, only minutes earlier. He had dragged her outside, behind the pub, and slammed her head into the brick wall. He was drunk, and he was angry, and couldn’t wait until they arrived home to punish her.

The man released his hand from her shoulder but only to apply his elbow against her neck. The girl gagged through his fingers as the pressure of his elbow pushed on her throat harder.

Hearing the back door slam open, both the man and woman twisted their attention 30 feet from where they were standing. A tall man quietly lit a cigarette, leaning against the brick building.

The man loosened up his elbow on the girl’s throat, but applied more force over her mouth, hoping to keep the girl quiet. The two of them were far enough away and hidden in the shadows of the dumpster that the man smoking might not see them.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes passed by, the girl never taking her eyes off of the man smoking. He eventually took one last inhale of the cigarette, about to flick it and retreat back inside when he heard a bottle gently roll across the pavement beside the man and woman.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” He flicked his cigarette, the flame extinguishing as it hit the wet pavement. It only took him three steps to figure out what was happening. “Take your hands off of her!” he yelled, the word’s roaring from his mouth in a thick British accent.

“Stay out of this before you get hurt pretty boy.” The boyfriend’s coarse New York accent filled the night sky, he was shorter than the other man, but was built much larger. “Just walk quietly back into the pub.”

“Fuck-off! You never should touch a lady like that!” The British man bellowed, placing his hands on the man’s shoulders and shoving him. The boyfriend shoved back ignoring his girlfriend behind him, who decided to not stick around to see what happened. She quickly slipped past the two men and entered the pub. Before the boyfriend had time to react he felt a fist ram into his jaw, and then into his temple. He fell hard onto the pavement.

The British man skimmed the area for the girl, while dialing the police on his mobile. He left the man out cold on the ground next to the dumpster and ran into the pub. “Yes, hello, I want to report an incident I witnessed at Bart’s over in Chelsea. There is a man behind Bart’s knocked out, where I witnessed him attacking a woman.” After answering a few more questions the man hung up his phone and waited for the arrival of the police. He then scanned the pub looking everywhere for the woman he so badly wanted to help.

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! If you did I'd appriciate a vote and comment! Thanks so much for the support : )

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