Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- 1 month earlier

“I just don’t think it’s such a good idea Rob.” Blakely shook her head while filling a duffle bag full of books and pictures. Her hair was pulled back out of her face into a tight pony tail.

“Baby, come on…this could be an experience of a lifetime! I want to share this with you.” Blakely’s boyfriend took her hands and laced her fingers through his own.

Blakely pulled away from Rob, grabbing more books from her shelf and placing them gently into the bag. “This is going to be an experience of a lifetime, but this is going to be something I need to experience alone. I’ve barely even left Jersey, I’ve never been on a plane, and I’ve never done anything for myself. Taking you along would once again leave me dependent on someone.”

“Why do you want to do this without me?” Rob’s voice grew louder as he stood up from the floor of Blakely’s room. “Why on earth wouldn’t you want to experience this with the person you love?” He walked over to the bedroom door opening it, “Whatever Blake. Have fun in London.” He whispered, slamming the door as he walked out.

Blakely Riaan was a 25-year-old elementary teacher living in the outskirts of New Jersey. She had always played life safe, going to college in New Jersey, graduating, finding a job, and dating her high school sweetheart. She thought she’d get engaged, maybe move in with Rob in New York, and be that sweet elementary teacher she always hoped she’d be.

Everything was going according to plan when her school nominated her for an opportunity most teachers would kill to have; leave New Jersey to teach abroad. Up against thousands of teacher all throughout the East coast, Blakely won, giving her a once in a lifetime ticket to London. This was her chance to stop playing life so safe, this was her chance to leave everything behind and start over.

Everything was being paid for, flight, apartment, tube tickets, food; she would be making money while living there. It was a program designed to last for one school year. She would be living in South Kensington, London and teaching a first grade class. Everything was perfect, except for her boyfriend Rob, who so desperately wanted to come to London with her. She had decided from the day she won she didn’t want him coming with her, but he had other plans, plans that involved the opposite.

Morning slowly arrived and Blakely nearly leaped out of bed. She had difficulties sleeping the night before due to nerves, anxiety, and excitement. Her mother was coming to her apartment at 5:00 am to drive her to the airport. Blakely was very close to her mother growing up and throughout college, but during the “on again” phases of Blakely’s relationship with Rob, she tended to pull away from her mother. Her mother did not approve of Rob, and would lecture Blakely about how much better she could do and how sad she always looked when with him.

Blakely quickly brushed her hair and teeth while checking over her apartment one last time. During the 9 months she’d be away she was leasing her apartment to a young couple. She shoved her toothbrush and hairbrush in a duffle bag and peaked out her window to see if her mother had arrived yet.

“What the hell?” Blakely said under her breath as she saw Rob’s Escalade parked below her apartment. She watched as he exited his car and looked up at Blakely’s window. He blew her a kiss and disappeared into the stair well.

Seconds later she heard her door open, “Surprise baby!”

“What are you doing here Rob? My mom is going to be here any second to take me to the airport.”

“No mam, she ain’t.” Rob smiled, shaking his head; “I talked to her last night and explained how we finally decided that I’ll be joining you in London!”

Blakely’s jaw dropped, “We most certainly did not Rob!” She stood with her hands on her hips. “I told you I was doing this alone, and that’s final.”

A look of fury overtook Rob’s face as he inched closer to Blakely, “I already have a plane ticket, and my bags are packed…I am coming with you Blake” He grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her towards her pile of luggage.

Blakely pulled her wrist out of Rob’s grip, but before she was able to say something he jerked around and slammed his arms into her body, forcing her to the ground. Blakely sat on the floor, defeated, and nodded her head. Rob’s face lite up as he offered his girlfriend a hand to stand up. 

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