They Call Me A Whore.....She Calls Me Mom

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I was sitting on the park bench chipping off my sparkly green nail polish I tend to do that when I'm nervouse. He texted me and said he'd be here in 5 and its already 10 minutes I tapped my foot repeatedly. "breathe Alex just breathe" I mumbled to myself. Then he came into view my boyfriend Treyton tall, blonde, muscular, sexy as hell, basketball captain hottie. "Hey babe" he kissed my cheek what if thats the last time he does that? I kissed him deeply with all the strength in my body all the passion I had in case it was our last. He pulled away to breathe and smiled at me "Treyton i'm pregnant"

*end of flashback*

"Mwommy Mwommy wake up up up!" Marcie was jumping on my stomach I looked at her half awake she was all smiles she had eyes like her dad this deep ocean blue my black hair it was curly oh god when she becomes a teenager im going to have to shoot those boys I swear. "UGHHH MARCCCCCIE can I not have sleep in?" She started giggling. I got up and tickled her she laughed even more and I laughed to. Marcie was the best thing to ever happen to me her father Treyton the love of my life well he left he said there was no way he could produce her because his family never made girls only boys. I never got a paternity test because I didnt want to put her through that even though the whole school now thinks im a whore. I got pregnant sophmore year and have been made fun of all this time going through straight hell for 2 years the only good thing is im a senior year and Marcie and I will move to California and get an apartment and live good. "Mwommy nana make pancake and say hurry up before cold" she said catching her breath. I laughed and messed up her hair which caused her to scowl "go downstairs and i'll be down there in a second then we'll get you ready for daycare". She laughed I helped her get off the bed and she ran to the kitchen I laughed. I went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower I washed my long black hair with strawberry melon shampoo and brushed my teeth. I wrapped a towel around me and started to blow dry and brush through my hair it was to my waist now I really needed to get it cut but I really cant afford it not even the 5 dollar ones all my money goes to Marcie and paying rent to live here. You didnt really think my mom let me live her for free did you? HAH i wish but no that is not the case. I put my hair in a ponie(misspell) tail like i do every day I put a lime green bow in it that I made. I slipped on some dark denim skinny jeans on and a Asking Alexandria band tee on. I applied a little eyeliner and lip gloss my senior year and its going to suck like the rest did. I slipped on some old school converse high tops grabbed my ipod and went down stairs. Marcie was sticky from the syrup and already had stains on her PJ top she gave me a small smile when she saw me. I kissed her cheek "ewww your sticky" I laughed I went over to my mom and kissed her cheek and hugged her "Hi mommy" I smilled at her she kissed my cheek back "good mornig darling" she gave me some pancakes. I ate them and took Marcie upstairs she took a bath and let her use some of my shampoo she loved the sent "YAY I SMELL LIKE MWOMMY" I laughed after I dried her off and lotioned her in Johnson & Johnson lotion only the best for my little girl. I dressed her in a white tank top and black skirt and white sandals. This where all my money goes into her clothing making sure she looks beautiful I put her hair in pig tails she smiled at me, I kissed her nose she giggled. "Mwommy no school?" she tries to act like shes a little adult I laughed "no mommy has school" she frowned. I giggled at her I put her in her car seat in my old ugly beat up Prius I drove her to daycare and there was only a few tears that girl is a mommas girl no doubt. Then I drove to hell. I parked my car I took a deep breath and got out of my car. I walked to my locker and just like every year someone has the courtisy to write slut on it. I opened my locker and a flood of condoms came out. I held back the tears "Hey whore I thought you would need some so you dont have another mistake" the main bitch Camina said. I glared at her "dont talk about my daughter that way" i hissed she laughed at me. "No one wants to talk about your ugly little whore child" with that I lunged at her pulling her blonde hair and punching her in her ugly plastic face "YOU STUPID BITCH DONT TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER THAT WAY" I yelled in between punches until someone pulled me off of her..


oooh who is the mystery person?

So yeah this is my first story and I hope you like it I think it was kinda short but please dont give up on me so ya umm comment rate vote idk lol im new here <3 the girl on the side is Alex

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