Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys. I am SO SORRY I havent been updating but Im sure you dont care... I've been feeling a bit depressed lately because of my friend but I was able to get over it. I actually tried to avoid this story but I saw how badly you guys have been wanting me to update. So, for you peeps, I present to you Chapter 15.


Third year**Allie**

I sighed as I subconsciously walked towards the Slytherin Common Room. I really wished that I was with Harry, Trina, and the Weasly twins. I said the password and entered the familiar green walled room. I've been staying here for the past 2 years and I still havent gotten used to the creepy aura of this place. I walked towards the 3rd Years dormetories on the girls side. As I went in, I looked over at Rachel Walker and her friends. She caught a glance of me going towards the bed that had my trunk in front of it. 

"Well, if it isnt Little Miss Wanna-Be-Gryffindor. How's all your friends? Oh wait! You dont know dont you? Because they're all in the Gryffindor house!" Rachel said. Her friends snickered. I rolled my eyes and fell face first on the silk bed. 

"Whats wrong? Miss your boyfriend? The Weasle twin?" 

"Oh shut it will you?" I said irritated. 

"AWW! She misses her boyfriend!" She shouted. Her friends laughed. I stood up.

"He's not my BOYFRIEND!" I shouted back and stormed out of the dormetory. I could hear them laughing behind me. I headed downstairs to the common room. 


I sat on the black leather couch in front of the fire blazing green. I stared at it, thinking of how my life would be if I were in Gryffindor. Much better I presume. My thoughts were interupted by an annoying yet familiar voice. 

"Why hello there Allison!" Smith greeted. I looked up at him to see that he was wearing his usual smirk. 

"Not in the mood Smith!" I replied trying to shoo him away. 

"Why is that darling?" He asked sitting beside me and putting his arm around my shoulders. I shrugged them off and scooted further away from him. 

"None of your business" I said stubbornly.

"Come on, anything about you is my business" He replied. I scowled.

"Leave me alone Smith." I said standing up. He grabbed my hand but I shook it off. 

"Why are you here?" I asked annoyed by his presence. 

"I came to tell you that try-outs for Quidditch are next week" He said. My eyes widened. He smiled.


"Yeah. You are trying out arent you?"

"WELL OF COURSE I AM!" I said exasperated. He smirked. Irritated, I went up to my dormitory hoping that the reason why I went down in the first place was gone. I opened the door slowly. 

"Hey girls! It's Lttle Miss Wanna-be" Rachel teased while her friends laughed. I sighed and walked to the far end of the room where my bed was. I sighed. I plopped down on my bed and brushed my hands through the green silk blankets and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow cant get any worse... Right?

**Next Week**

(After classes, a few hours before Quidditch Try-outs)

I walked over to the Slytherin table since I couldnt find my sister and the Weasley Twins. I sighed and sat down. I got some cookies and placed them on my plate and slowly ate them. I took a sip from the butterbeer I got as well. I should be excited about tryouts today but it doesnt seem like it since I'm not with my sister and friends.

Speaking of which... Where are those three?


I rushed to the Great Hall in hope to find my sister. The Weasly twins didnt show up for some reason.  ran faster and I was about to make a left when suddenly...

"TRINA!!" Someone shouted out. I stopped on my tracks and didnt turn around... The voice.. So cold and so familiar. Maybe I shouldnt have stopped. Normally Allie would be here with me but she's not... 


No! I need to do this alone! I need to stand up for myself! I gingerly turned around trying to put my brave face on. 

"What do you want, Smith?" 

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