Your Name is Irrelevant

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I told myself I was going to write a book and your name would be the title

in bold, size 75 Times New Roman

I told myself it would say all of the words I was too afraid to let out of my mouth

and maybe, just maybe you would read it and finally understand

I wouldn't even describe what you look like

because that's all irrelevant in the end, isn't it?

it's about words and how they left your mouth and how they broke me

and made me and made love to me

words that stay inside and fester

and words that come out that never should have left the safety of our tongues

bottom line, it's about you and me, us, and what went wrong

and terribly right

and everything in between

and now that you're gone, it's about me and what you left behind

tears on the pillow at night

lonesome love songs on the radio to prick blood from my soul

your picture in the books

in all of the books

with entry upon entry of love confessions written in the margins

you and I... 

I'd do it all again, just to see you smile once

but for now I'm writing a book before I forget you and you age in my memory

I want to keep you in my heart forever 

and cherish each beat as I go on


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