"DISNEYLAND! OH MY GOD! I'VE NEVER BEEN THERE BEFORE!" Mr. Elmer screamed bouncing up and down in excitement. Everyone turned their heads toward him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Milora groan and massage her forehead.

"Horace, this is why we don't tell you things," Milora said flatly. "Yes it is true. We are indeed going to Disneyland today. This wasn't how you were all supposed to find out, but please proceed to your rooms. Please make sure to be wearing your Fog Chains and bring a small bag to put your belongings in. Then be at the Hippoplum Metro no later than seven thirty." Everyone chattered in excitement.

"Wow! Disneyland! Who would've guessed!" Will exclaimed awed. Hunter was wearing the same expression.

"This is going to be a fun trip to the mall am I right?" I asked Hunter smirking.

"Am I right?" he imitated although his cheeks were tinted pink. Will laughed. We all raced to the stairs, Will's long legs allowing him to win. Before I knew it, everybody was boarding the Hippoplum Metro. Because of its magical properties, it was bigger on the inside and there was plenty of seats for everybody. Will and Hunter sat together and I sat by Riley who had very much recovered since Lynn's death and was chatting away with me.

Once everyone had settled down and stopped talking, Milora began to speak.

"I think maybe some of you are wondering how we will get to Disneyland in one day because the drive is approximately six to seven hours which would leave very little time to explore the park. But for goodness sake all of you fit in this bus! Let's just say we will be there in half an hour." Everybody cheered and clapped their hands. Everyone was smiling, even Professor Nunes who was always so grouchy.

With everybody's positive attitudes time flew and it seemed like the ride was over in five minutes. Everyone was talking in excited voices.

"Now if you don't have a Fog Chain, raise your hand!" Professor Nunes shouted over all the voices. Rick Norris shyly raised his hand. Nunes rolled her eyes and handed him one of the extra Fog Chains. He mumbled a thanks as Professor Nunes kept telling everyone the rules and explaining how this would be a great experience to practice being a Celestial out in the real world even if we were disguised. But nobody was listening because they were all staring out the bus window in awe. Disneyland was so beautiful. We were parked where all the other shuttles were dropping off people. The Fog disguised the Hippoplum Metro to look like one of the hotel shuttles that were dropping off tourists.

We all exited the bus, getting some strange looks from passing visitors at the amount of people coming out of the bus. Milora manipulated them into thinking that they were imagining it. There were ten kids with each professor. Two kids from each year. They just randomly picked us by whoever we were standing by. Unfortunately, Hunter was standing next to Garfield which was unfortunate for her as well. Will was standing by me so were in a group together. Our group leader was Professor Nunes and Hunter and Garfield's was Professor Kaplan.

Everyone's groups headed off into separate directions. My group went to Tomorrowland first. Luckily, Mr. Elmer's best friend from Hippoplum had a high position on the staff and managed to get all the students and professors VIP passes to all the rides. The first ride we went on was the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters which was spectacular considering I have never been to any time of theme park let alone outside to play in the front yard of my own home. So this was something new.

Then we went on the Star Wars ride which made Will nauseous but he was fine. After that, we rode Space Mountain, which was amazing! It felt like I was taking a trip through the stars and it was beautiful. Except on that ride, Will completely threw up and so he was given some car sickness tablet that some third year had with them. After that, he didn't feel like his stomach would empty its contents out of his mouth again. We went on this one ride called Autotopia which for some reason, nobody liked except me. They all complained that it was a "little kid ride," well they should at least be happy they're in Disneyland!

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