So what?!

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Taylor POV:

"OMG!" Allison squealed, "Did you see Brooklyn's new Instagram post? It's sooooooo hot..." She drifted off as always into her fantasy world where everything she ever wanted came true. She knew I hadn't seen it yet, but she had nothing better to say so she brought it up... again.

Sure the Beckham family is attractive and all but what's the point in obsessing over them when there is no chance you will ever meet them or marry them or anything. At least you could like them for their talents like soccer!

"So what?!?! They are attractive, sureeeee but can't you like them for a better reason?" I replied. She groaned, there's my answer.

"Als I'm going to play soccer, wanna come?" I asked Allison hopefully. Maybe this once she would wanna play. "If we ever meet the Beckhams you're gonna need to know how to play soccer!" With that she was sprinting up the stairs to change and within 13 seconds she was back downstairs looking like an idiot.

"What are you wearing?" I questioned.

"Uh, sporty clothing?" She attempted to argue. I let it be and we went to the field to play.

Sorry it's short, this is just the beginning.

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