Let's Get Cooking!!

Start from the beginning

            “Finally we’re home!” Max said. He parked the car and then helped me out of the car then Marilyn. Once we stepped inside our apartment we set everything down and I got her out of her car seat.

            “I have a surprise for you.” Max said. He led me to the spare room which I was not allowed to go in for the last few weeks.

            “Alright you ready? I’m going to cover your eyes so hold on to my little girl.” He said.

            “No Max I’m going to just let her fall… and she’s mine little girl too.” I said.                                 

            “Smartass.” He said then put his hand over my eyes then guided me into the room.

            “Alright, one, two, three!!” He said taking his hand away from my face. When I opened my eyes I was completely shocked at the scene before me and instantly my eyes started to water. It front of me was a beautifully decorated nursery that was covered in pink from top to bottom with giraffe’s everywhere and tying in some other Safari look. By the window there was her dark brown crib, in the corner was a rocking chair, and on the other side of the room was a changing table and a dresser. Then I looked up above the crib to see a picture of Max and I at the photo shoot we had did about a month ago when we got back from the tour, his mother insisted and it was the cutest picture as Max had his arms around my waist on my stomach and my hands on top of his. I look at Max and the waterworks turned on.

            “This is perfect. Thank you.” I said then I leaned giving him a kiss.

            “How about we try her crib out?” He said. I nodded and carried her over to her crib and set her down in it. She looked precious and we just stood there watching as she fell back into a deep sleep. Life couldn’t get any more perfect.


I swear it felt like every five minutes Marilyn had to either be changed or feed. Don’t get me wrong I love her but this was getting ridiculous as she cried almost every waking hour. And then you have her sleeping schedule during the day she would sleep 2 hours then wake up crying then pass out an hour later, then repeat. This happened all the way through the nights as well which made it so Max and I barely got any sleep. We made a system where we would take turns so each other could more than 3 hours of sleep a night. It was now 9 o clock at night and Marilyn finally fell asleep which meant it was time for us to go to bed. Max was already in bed when I laid her down and when I entered the room I went straight to my side, sliding in and cuddle up to Max. I’m honestly surprise we weren’t at each other throats yet since we both get extremely crabby when were not tired and plus I haven’t cooked in like 3 days so we been pigging out on fast food and I was sick of it. It’s just too hard to cook and watch her, plus we were both too exhausted to do anything.

            “When do you have to go back to the studio?” I asked.

            “The end of this week, so like 4 days.” He said.

            “Awesome.” I said all sarcastically because that meant he was going to be gone all day then which meant no help for me during the day and then he’s going to come home late exhausted.

            “I’m sorry. I’ll try to make sure I get out at a reasonable time so you’re not all alone. I’ll talk to management to work something out.” He said. It was like he was reading my mind, I love this man.

            “Thank you.” I said then reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek and before we knew it we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

No Way This Is Happening: A Nathan Sykes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now