Sorry Not Gonna Cut It

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Couple Days Later…

Brittany’s POV

It’s been a few days since I kind of blew up at Nathan and since then I tried making as little contact as possibly which is kind of hard to do since I’m on tour with his band. Ugh I hate drama. We shared the occasional hello but as soon as he tried to talk more I would walk away or come up with some excuse to get out of there. This suck because to be honest all I wanted was for things to go back to normal and me being in his arms and being all cute with him but I was still hurt. Yesterday they did there last show in California and we were now back on the tour bus headed to Seattle, Washington. It was a little pass 11 and we were all up except Tom and Siva who had a little too much fun after the concert, yes even Siva and they were still sleeping. Jenny and Jay were once again watching Avatar for like the bagillionth time, Max and Ashley were playing cards and I was watching the movie as well, well kind I was, I was also on my computer and watching the movie too. I was laying on my back with my computer on my stomach on the couch, as I was zoning into my computer I felt someone lift my legs, sit down, and then rested my legs back down on them. Then I felt them trace circles one my thigh and I knew who it was, Nathan. I peeked my head out from the side of the computer making eye contact with him.

“ Stop.” I whispered so I didn’t draw attention towards us.

“ I’m sorry.” He whispered. I knew he wasn’t talking about touching me.

“ Sorry isn’t going to cut it.” I said back.

“ Please just talk to me. It’s been 3 days. I miss talking to you.” He said.

“ Well I don’t feel talking to you.” I said and I got up putting my computer down and walk into the back room slamming the door. God! I sat on the edge of the bed putting my hands to cover my face, I couldn’t help but cry. I hate being mad at him, I hate not talking with him, I just hate everything that is happening. I heard the door open and closed, I peeked through my fingers and saw those familiar white high tops. I take my hand out of my face and stood up.

“ I said I don’t want to talk.” I told him.

“ Please just talk to me.” He begged.

“ Jeez! What don’t you understand about I.. DON’T… WANT… TOO.” I said and few more tears come out unwillingly. Nathan reacted, hurt sprang across his face and he walked up to me cupping my face, I tried to pull away but I couldn’t I was hypnotized by his eyes.

“ Fine we wont.. for now.” He said as he wiped away my tears.

“ Thank you.” I whispered and just before I was about to release his hands from my cheeks he leaned in placing his lips on mine. At first I did nothing but as he continued I couldn’t resist as I started to kiss back. Nathan took this as a sign moving closer to me putting his hands on my hip slamming them into his. I wrapped arms around his neck running my hands through his hair then he licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance which after hesitation I granted but then I realized, I’m mad at him, you don’t make out when your mad at someone. I missed this so much. But I couldn’t pull apart it was like a magnetic pull was keeping my lips attached to his. He finally pulled away resting him forehead on mine as he caught his breath. I just looked down avoiding getting lost in his eye…again.

“ I love you.” He said. I was silent. I couldn’t say anything, nothing would come out.

“ Please just don’t ignore me anymore.” He said.

“ Like I want too. Nathan you hurt me. Okay you basically said you didn’t want to move in with me.” I said.

“ I did not. I just said I didn’t know, it just a big decision.” He said.

No Way This Is Happening: A Nathan Sykes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now