"—me go, let me fucking go! I need to go look for her," Ian roared, pushing himself against a middle-age man. "If she fucking dies, I'm going to kill you myself!"

"Ian!" I rushed towards him, pulling him away from the guy. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to get away from this asshole so I can rescue my sister from that fucking monster!"

"Mr. Lynch," Demitri said, stepping in, as the guy ran away. "You need to calm down. We're doing the best we can to find—"

"Oh, yeah?" he barked, chuckling softly. "And who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Mr. Rozovsky," he said pulling out his badge. "I'm here to find your sister."

"—Bullshit! You're probably here looking for clues that might not even be here. You should be out there, looking for her! She could still be in the fucking area."

"We have a team searching for her now," Demitri said calmly, not even batting an eye at Ian's language towards him. "We'll be notified if they find anything."

"Well your team is doing a shitty job at it. It'd already been more than half an hour, and you still didn't find Ashleigh or the psychopath that took her!" He ended his sentence in a scream.

"We understand. But keep in mind searches can take hours, or even days—"

"—days?" His eyes narrowed down in a glare. "We don't have days! Who knows what that guy is doing to my sister right now. If one fucking hair on her body is touched, I will fucking murder that crazy bastard myself!"

"Ian," I muttered wearily, pulling on his sleeve. "I really don't think announcing that in front of an agent is such a good idea . . ."

"I don't really give a shit. Ashleigh is my only family! Don't you get it? If she's gone, I-I—" His voice lowered down, "—I don't know what I'll do."

"What about your grandparents? They're your family too."

Ian rolled his eyes. "Please. When they find out that Ashleigh's missing, they'll probably throw a fucking party."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, taking a deep breath. "You see . . . my last name really isn't Lynch. My parents . . . they adopted Ashleigh and me when we were younger. Everything was great at first, but then that day came." His fists clenched, as his eyes shut closed. "My parents . . . when they were coming back from work, they got into a car accident and died." Ian momentary stiffened himself, and cleared his throat. "That's when I noticed the changes. The way my grandparents started looking at Ashleigh and me. Like we were outsiders that didn't belong in their world. Turns out . . . they blamed us for their deaths. They said if it weren't for us, they wouldn't have rushed home that night to make it to our annual dinner party."

I put my hand softly on his shoulder. "Ian. I—"

"—stop." He pushed my hand away. "I don't need your sympathy, Avery."

"Ian," I said, turning his body towards me. "Listen, I'm not going to tell you I know how it feels like to be in your situation, since I don't. But, I think I'm beginning to understand you a little bit more now."

"Yeah? I must look like a total fool, don't I?"

"No. But don't you dare blame yourself for your parent's death. It was a freaking accident."

"My grandparents—"

"—who fucking cares about your grandparents? When you graduate, you're free. You don't have to listen to them anymore. Your sister—" I clamped my mouth shut, realizing too late at what I'd done. I bit on my bottom lip, peeved with myself. Just when I'd finally distracted him from his sister, I had to bring her up again. Great job, Lily.

"Do you—" he whispered at first. "Do you think she's going to be okay?"

I smiled up at him, blowing out a sigh of relief. At least he's not yelling anymore. "She's stronger than she looks Ian. Have a little faith in her," I told him honestly. "Don't worry, we'll get her back as soon as possible."

"I-I just wish, I'd done something, you know? I should've never let her out of my sight when I found out that the killer's last victims had the same birthday as Ashleigh. I should've protected her more. I should've—"

"—It's not your fault, Ian. You couldn't have predicted your sister disappearing . . . especially during school hours—the most safest place to be at. I mean, we have security cameras for crying out loud—"

His head snapped up, as I heard a gasp. "—that's right, we do!" he said, the most excited he'd ever looked since his sister's disappearance. "Quick." He turned his attention towards Demitri. "Did you check the security cameras yet?"

"We're looking into that right now, Mr. Lynch. So far, nothing was reported back."

"Nothing?" he asked, sounding absurd. "Is this person a magician or something? They can't just disappear into thin air like that! There has to be something." Again with the disappearing act? Are they messing with the footages or something?

"The video only shows Ashleigh walking into the bathroom. No else walked in after her besides her friends."

"Are you sure her friends had nothing to do with it?" Ian asked.

"They were only in the bathroom for less than a minute. Plus, they all came out after a minute, and immediately started dialing 911. One of them then called you from what I'd heard."

"So, Ashleigh never came out?"

"No." Demitri shook his head. "We think the perpetrator came through the bathroom window and took Ashleigh, before escaping the same way he or she came in."

He groaned, rubbing his face. "Please tell me they at least have cameras surrounding the school?"

"They do. The squad that's searching for Ashleigh is viewing the footages for clues. Like I said before, we're doing our best to find—" he started to say, before a beeping noise echoed throughout the air, getting louder and louder as the seconds ticked by.

"What the hell is that?" Ian questioned, covering his ears.

"Our burner phone that we hooked up to our newest agent's cell phone," he said, as my head shot up to meet him. No way.

"Well, hurry up and answer it before my ears goes deaf!" he cried, his body position bent towards the ground.

Demitri nodded, before taking out my old phone. His expression was stoic as he stared at the device. "Avery, I think you should see this."

"What is it?"

Demitri didn't answered as he tossed me the phone. Staring down at the screen, my heart dropped.

Told you your little boy toy is going to die. But don't worry, I'll let Bradlee suffer first before I kill him ;P

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