Chapter 23: Un-matching Socks

Start from the beginning

Rosabel smiled, “Anything basically.”

I turned to Harris, “I don’t mind.” He said.

“Well,” I sighed, “since you guys all put it like that.” I paused in thought, “Let’s just go to the–“

“How about ice skating?” Dean chirped.

Harris and Rosabel turned to his direction and smiled, “That sounds like a great idea.” They both nodded in agreement.

They both stopped and stared at each other for a while.

I cleared my throat, “Why ice skating?” I asked, “Isn’t the snow cold enough?”

“But it’ll be fun!” Dean smiled.

I glared at him, Seriously, sometimes I think that I’m maintaining a little five year old kid instead of a twenty-one year old person.

“C’mon, Taylor!” He whined, “Let’s just go okay?”

I can’t believe he calls himself a player. I shook my head, “Don’t want to.”

Harris walked over to me and smiled, “How about some best friend time?”

I glanced away, “Don’t need to.”

Rosabel smiled and stepped in, “I’ll be going to my ballet practice tomorrow.” She paused, “So today is my last free day for the week. Is it okay if you come and have sister time with me? Since it’s been years we had fun together.”

I relaxed my shoulders, I wonder why was everyone treating me like a child, except for Dean, who is a child himself. I glanced up at Rosabel, her blue eyes twinkled, just like how my mother’s eyes did. I lowered my eyes, “Fine.” I mumbled, “Just to get out of this hospital bed.”

“Yay!” Dean bounced in the air like a child again. “Let’s go!” He said and went out of the door.

Harris and Rosabel both laughed as they helped me up.


Sitting there with a warm jacket, I was almost frozen to ice.

“Here’s your skates.” Harris gave me.

“Thanks.” I reached for the pair of shoes.

I glanced up seeing Rosabel already on the ice, skating with her long hair flying softly. I pulled my black gloves off and lowered myself down.

“Do you need help putting them on?” Harris asked.

I smiled, “I can still move, Harris.” I paused, “So I’ll be alright.”

He stood up, “If you want it that way.” He smiled, “Better not waste time then.” He walked over to the ice and left.

My fingers were freezing not to mention moving them around to tie these laces. I lowered myself down again trying to reach for my shoes to take them off. Still struggling I sighed and sat there.

Suddenly he came out of nowhere and lifted my ankle.

“Hey!” I called out, “That hurts okay?”

“I know.” Dean said, “Just wanting to help you out.”

“I don’t need your help,” I pulled my feet closer to me, “I can do it myself,” I snatched the skates off his hands.

I struggled to put the skates on my feet, feeling the coldness and numbness in my hands.

I heard him sighed and took the skates off my hands, “Why can’t you just not be stubborn?” He pulled my legs closer to him and took one of my shoes off.

“I’m not stubborn.” I stared at him, “You are.”

Dean looked at me, “Really?” He placed the shoe down, “Because you’re being stubborn at the moment.”

I lowered my eyes and took the skates from his hands again. Lowering myself, I was desperately trying to put them on as fast as possible and get away from him.

“C’mon Miss Taylor.” He said, shaking his hand, “You need my help.”

“No, I don’t.” I replied straight back, trying to take my shoes off as fast as possible – which I was struggling.

Dean looked at me again, like I did something wrong. “Taylor just let me do it for you.” He said.

I shook my head, “No.”

He sighed, “If you let me do it,” he paused, “I promise you another ten wishes.”

I stopped and looked at him. “Ten more wishes?” I said, almost like whisper.

He nodded, “I promise.”

I just sat still and he began to take off my shoes. Why is he agreeing for another ten wishes for taking my shoes off? I sat there thinking deep, but I couldn’t find an answer.

“Is this so kind of trick?” I said to him.

He was taking off my other shoe, “No.” He smiled.

I stared at him, “Then why are you being so nice to promise me another ten wishes?”

He stopped and looked at me.

My heart skipped at beat. I frowned wondering why that was happening to me.

“Because I felt like it.” He said, with his ocean eyes glowing at me.

I blinked, Felt like it? What’s that meant to mean?

Dean lowered his eyes at my feet and smiled. “Taylor, I never knew you like wearing different coloured socks?”

I glared at him, “No, I don’t.”

“Then what’s this?” He pointed at my red and blue socks.

I looked down at my socks and wriggled my toes, “It’s because...” I quickly tried to find an answer that wasn’t embarrassing, “It’s fashionable.”

Dean glimpsed up at me and chuckled to himself, “Taylor that was the worst excuse.”

I stared at him, “It wasn’t an excuse.” I argued, “How am I supposed to survive in this cold weather with all my socks wet?” I paused, “It’s the only un-matching pair of socks I have left.”

Un-matching?” Dean smiled at me.

I stared at him again. “You know what?” I grinned at him, “My wish is that you cannot criticise me.”

Dean smiled again, “Yes, Madame.” He grinned at me.

“That’s criticising me.” I said.

“You mean the ‘Yes, Madame’?”

I nodded.

He smiled again, “That wasn’t criticising you.” He paused, “That was teasing you.”

I sighed, “Just put the skates on for me okay?”

Dean smiled again and continued.

Finishing tying the laces, he glanced up at me and smiled again. “All done.” He stood up.

“Thanks.” I said, trying to stand up but was struggling. I wobbled on the edges of the metal skates beneath my feet.

Dean’s eyes widened as he reached to catch me, but instead something else happened.


I managed to write up this chapter. YAY! I was really busy with tests and they'll be coming back in the next two weeks. So I won't be writing to the tests are done. Don't worry, after two weeks it's the holidays so I would be writing more! :D

But I will be always checking for new votes and comments. So remember to support this story by voting and commenting! Love you guys!

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