Step 3.8 - Unplanned

Start from the beginning

"Will?" He asked finally, after a prolonged silence that was only filled with some song by a mainstream artist.

"Lucas Hemmings." The boy greeted with a broad smile, pulling the lanky teenager into a bear hug that looked awkward to the others, Will was a short lad so it made for an awkward experience.

Luke preferred hugging people more... Ashton-sized.

Will's brown eyes lit up when he saw Ashton out of the corner of his eye, "You must be Luke's boyfriend." He grinned.

"Take care of him," Will added, pinching Luke's cheek despite the minor stubble covering the blond's jaw.

"Want a drink?" Luke asked Ashton, communicating through eye contact that it was code for 'lets get out of here,' which Ashton was more than happy to do. With a nod, Luke waved goodbye to Trick and his friends before they could be stopped.

"Here you are," A grin lit up Luke's features as he handed the tanned boy a red solo cup, the two boys quickly downed their drinks and went back for a refill.

"Dance with me Ashton," Luke said against Ashton's neck, having a difficult time standing up by himself. It briefly registered in Luke's mind, to his surprise, a Fall Out Boy song was playing.

Ashton was quick to happily drag the blond to the room where everyone else was dancing. Despite the party looking dead on arrival, the makeshift dance floor was highly populated and Ashton had a hard time finding a spot they'd be able to breathe and dance.

"Don't worry," Luke said with a lazy smirk present on his face as he grabbed Ashton's shirt and pulled him forward. "We just have to dance a lot closer."

Ashton didn't recognize the look that made its way to his best friend's features, but with Fall Out Boy's music banging against his cranium he didn't really care. Whether it was the drink or the music, Ashton appreciated how close Luke was. He couldn't help but step closer as they began dancing, with the smell of sweat and alcohol rising and mingling with the energy of the room Ashton was intoxicated by the musky smell of Luke's cologne, probably because it was the nicest smell present in the room but still, Ashton managed to get even closer.

The fabric of their shirt met and their foreheads bumped against one another a few times, not that they were in the right state of mind to notice too much. Before long it was more than just the fabric of their shirts rubbing against each other.

"Ashton," Luke mumbled, his dazed eyes searching Ashton's before he thought to continue. The atmosphere changed, the song playing now was a lot slower paced than the previous and if the boys strained their ears they could just barely hear their own ragged breaths.

The feeling of one of their pants shaking brought them out of their hormone crazed staring. Taking a step back from each other they realized it was Luke's phone that was vibrating.

"It's Jack, fuck. We need to go," Luke said quickly, grabbing the other boy by the arm and dragging him toward the front door.

"Leaving so soon Luke? We were just about to start a game of truth or dare." Will shouted as they ran by, bumping into several people as they went.

"Luke, what about Michael and Calum?" Ashton asked as the other boy stumbled onto the lawn despite the fact that he was quickly sobering up.

"No time."

"But Calum has the ke-"

"Ash, Jack just got picked up by the cops and if my mum finds out he's fucked. The station is just down the road." Luke interrupted, breathing heavily in the midnight air. Something small hit Ashton's nose as he followed Luke.

"It's raining," he mumbled to himself, holding out his hand as the rain began coming down harder. It was pouring by the time they made it passed the line up of cars.

"Luke, slow down." Ashton huffed, he was having a hard time keeping up with the blond despite being able to run long distances. He chose to blame the drinks he'd consumed at the party.

"Luke," Ashton sighed finally, when the boy ahead of him stopped in the middle of the street.

"Can you just-" Ashton began, catching up in a few short strides.

Luke turned, hands going up to Ashton's face automatically as he brought his lips to Ashton's. The two stood, in the middle of the street, under a single standing streetlight consumed in each other as the rain pelted against their bodies and flattened their hair.

The kiss was long, lasting and most of all sweet. It hid no lustful emotions or hidden messages. The kiss was pure if anything, and Ashton loved it.

When Luke finally pulled away, he held Ashton's gaze with unblinking eyes as water slid in tiny rivers down his face. The boy in the rain was gorgeous, the product that kept his hair up in a quiff failed almost immediately and his hair flopped in wet strands against his forehead. He grinned despite himself as he pushed his sopping wet hair off his forehead and away from his brilliant blue eyes that were cast under shadows.

"Do you think you can keep up now?" Luke asked with a lopsided grin, holding out a hand to the boy in front of him.

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