Chapter 7

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Glancing at the dark sky,before banging the nail into the hard metal.I sigh hearing footsteps come in front of me

"Bee...(Y/N)"Sam voice was heard,we look at him while he slowly walks towards us

"If you hate me,I understand....I messed up.Im sorry"He apologizes while I look away

"Young guys are.....the person..I care about....most in my life.....If there's anything you need.....I won't be far away..."He agrees with his apology while I feel Sam look at me


"I....."I start off looking at him

"I forgive you,I realized that..You tried to protect me all this time,you wanted us to be normal..Though I should be the one apologizing for my stupid tantrum..."I apologize to standing up,hugging him dearly while he hugs me back

"He's dead because of me..He came here to protect us and he's dead..."He mumbles loudly while I pay his back

"There's....some things you....just can't change...So his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain.Hallelujah!"I hear Bee say while I let go off him

"No victory.."I remind him while he nods

"I'm gonna make it right..We're going to turn ourselves in..."He explains while I nod

"Good decision.."

"We...We've got to stick together"Bee transform into his car while we start to walk towards him

"You're not going to do that.."Mikeala says while we look back

"Yes we are.."We answer together before Bee drives behinds us pushing us slightly

"Everything we worked for will be wiped one day!"Causing us to look at each other before at the other twins

"You two..."Sam points out,walking towards true twins

"Huh?"Mudflap says,both of them turn towards us

"Hey you know the glyphs?These?"-Sam pulls up his sleeves to show a symbol-"The symbols that have been rattling around in our heads?"He ask while they both nod

"That's old school,yo..That's,like...That's Cybertronain."Skid explains while Mudflap nods

"Oh thats some serious stuff,right there.."

"They got to mean something like a message.Or like a map.Like a map to an Energon source!Can you read this?"Sam ask while they give a confused look

"Read?No..We don't really do much reading.Not so much.."Mudflap explains

"If you can't read it,we gotta find somebody who can.."I speak up,before noticing Leo slowly coming out

"Look who came sashaying back!"Skid points out

"Hair growing like a Chia Pet.Look at him."

"I had a bit of a mild panic attack earlier alright?"Leo speaks up walking towards us.

"Thats cause you're a pussy"

"I think I'm allowed that,considering what I've been through.I heard you have a problem.I think I know someone who can help.."Leo explains while I step forward



Time Later

❝ Revenge of the Fallen ❞ | Bumblebee X Reader | Book II (rewrite soon)Where stories live. Discover now