Chapter 6

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I got up out of my bunk and headed to the kitchen for a drink. As I was walking through the bus I noticed the lack of people. On the fridge was a note that said they had gone to help set up the stage. I shrugged and went to get some clothes so I could get a shower. 

I got to the bathroom and my phone started ringing. I sighed and put it on speaker so that I could talk and still get my shower. It was Ella so I couldn't ignore it. 

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" she demanded immediatly.

"I've been busy." I said as I stepped into the shower. 

"oh whatever. How has Jake been?" she sneered. 

"Fine, he's been playing the shows, as always, greeting the fans, as always, and staying loyal to you." I said. 

"Good. Whats that noise?" 

"I'm in the shower." I said. 

"I bet you're cutting yourself again, aren't you." she laughed. 

"N-no." I stuttered. I hated when she brought it up. I haven't cut since I got to America. 

"Ha! You are! I knew it, but I guess thats the only thing you're good at right? Oh, well, you keep being a stupid little emo cunt, and keep an eye on Jake." she laughed again. 

"What does it matter if he cheats, it's not like you don't cheat on him. You have what, three boyfriends, has it gone up? Or did you dump one of them?" I sneered. Fuck it. "I could tell him, that you are cheating on him. What would you do if he broke up with you?" 

"You are so getting it. You think you're safe because you're there, you think they like you? Ha, they all hate you and I'll let you know a secret, I'm coming out next week to finish the tour with Jake. And you, well, you won't be coming home, at least, not alive." she laughed and I heard the phone beep saying she had hung up. 

I gasped at what she had said and started to sob. I was on the floor of the shower crying for several moments before I got out. Fuck this, I might as well end it now. 

I climbed out of the shower ready to grab my razor and end it, but some one was in the bathroom. Jake, and from the look on his face, he heard everything. 

*Jake P.O. V.*

I woke up and found the bus empty so I figured I had the bathroom to myself. I opened the door but froze. The water was running and Emerald was on the phone with Ella. I stayed quiet as I listened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then Ella threatened to kill Em. Thats what got me the most, or I thought, until I heard Em crying. I knew what she was thinking, that she wanted to end it and die now. I wasn't expecting all the scars when she got out of hte shower either. They were all over her body. Some were deffinatly made by her, but others had to of been some one elses doing. 

She froze seeing me, tears sill runnning lightly down her face. I just can't take this any more. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her. She was wet and naked and her banes stuck out strangly, it's obvious she doesn't eat enough, or if she does, she isn't keeping it down. I don't know why I didn't notice before. 

"Oh god, Em, why didn't you say something?" I gasped. "You could have told me, you could have told the others." 

"The others know." she whispered. 

"What?" I stared down at her but she wouldn't look at me.

"The others know already. Jinxx walked in on me when I was cleaning some of the cuts the first day. We told Sammi the next day, and the others found out at hot topic when you were on the phone." she said. She finally looked up at me and tears were still in her eyes. 

I wiped away the tears and wrapped a towel around her. I led her out of the bathroom and to a lounge where she explained every thing from the beginning. I cried the whole time. All this time, I thought Ella was beautifull and sweet and amazing in every way. The guys told me I was wrong, they tried to tell me. I'm kinda glad I never listened though, if I had I wouldn't have Emerald.  

I picked up my phone and dialed Ellas number. 

"Jakey!" she answered sweetly. 

I roled my eyes," Ella, we're done. I heard it all, through the door, I heard you say you were going to kill her. Ella you're a monster, she's your fucking sister! I can't believe I fell for that. Whatever, it's over and don't come here. You'll never see your sister again. If you try to hurt her, I'll personally escort you to the police." I hung up as she spluttered words up. 

"Oh god." Em breathed. She looked terrified. 

"Get dressed, we are going to the venue." I said and went to find my own clothes. 

I waited at the door and when Emerald walked out of the back my breath caught and my heart stopped for a minute. She was beautiful as always. I grabbed her hand as we walked off the bus. I didn't let go, even when we got to the venue. She looked nervous and I didn't get it till the guys saw us and started awing.

Then Ash yelled," Bout Fucking Time!" 

My eyes widened as cheers broke out around us and Em let go of my hand. She was blushing like crazy as CC hugged her and she was passed around recieving more hugs. 

"Can someone explain whats going on?" I sighed. They all stared at me like I was stupid. 

"You two are finally together, right?" CC said. 

"No, CC" Em started. 

"Yes CC." I cut in pulling a confused Emerald into my arms. 

I looked down at her confused face and smiled leaning in to kiss her. She stiffened in my arms as my lips crushed hers. She relaxed after a moment and cheers went up around us. 

"Definatly yes." I breathed out.

"Does Ella know." Ash asked. 

"Not exactly." I muttered. I told them everything. How I over heard the converstion between Ella and Em and how I saw the cuts, Ash just focused on I saw her naked, and how I broke up with Ella. I apoligized for not believeing them. 

"Hey man, it's okay, you got the right girl now." Jinxx smiled and Em blushed. 

"Yeah I do." I said and smiled down at Em who, thankfully, hadn't left my arms. 

Jinxx P.O.V 

We had to go set up for stage and I was watching Jake and Emerald. I have come to see her as a little sister and if he hurts her I might hurt him. Brother or not.  

"Come on guys." John yelled. Jake kissed Emerald who was blushing bright red. 

I smiled and was walking away when I heard her call my name. I stopped and waited for her to catch up to me. 

"Jinxx, what if she comes anyways? Shes tried to kill me before and she sounded sure this time, like nothing could stop her. Jinxx I don't want to die." tears were coming up in her eyes and I frowned. 

I pulled her into my arms," We won't let her hurt you. I won't, Jake won't, CC won't, we wont let her. You're safe here Emerald and she will never hurt you again." I said. She smiled and we walked to the dressing rooms together. She ran on to the stage since she was watching and, she didn't know it yet, playing. 

"What took so long?" CC whined when I walked into the changing room.

" I was talking to Emerald." I said. Jake looked worried and kind of jealous so I continued," She's worried about Ella. She's terriefied that Ella is going to come and kill her." 

" Ella won't touch her." Jake growled. 

"Thats what I told her." I smiled.


They are finally together ^_^ bout damn time...

wow that was wierd.


Love you guys


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