That night, Harry scrolled down his dashboard looking at pictures of cats and Marvel characters. He missed this. He missed just being happy and relaxing over a cup of tea and things he likes, such as Captain America vs. Iron Man master posts. After three straight hours of being on tumblr, it was 10pm. Eyes turning to square and stinging like mad he decided to phone Liam. He picked up his phone when he got a message pop up on Facebook. It was an event. From Nick, it read:

From: Nick Grimshaw To: Harry Styles and 25 others

HEY!!! Sorry it's late but, my parents have just decided to have last minute anniversary dinner and agreed to have some friends round, come mine now and bring drink ;)

Ugh. A party? This late? He might as well just go. After scrolling through the list of names that were invited it seemed that Eleanor and Stan were included. Great. Even though Harry hates Nick, he still wanted to go and they were obviously on good terms considering he'd been invited to Nick's party. Harry dressed himself in a grey tee and black ripped jeans along with some Old Skool Vans. He looked great. Stealing some drink from his mums cabinet, he made his way to Nick's mansion and Oh. My. God.

Everyone knew Nick was minted but, his house was like the size of Wales itself. Pure white and a gorgeous patio on the front, the house was infected by hundreds of teenagers all clinging to each other, kissing and drinking and smoking. Having a generally fun time. Red cups were littered all over the floor and Harry made an entrance in the door through the busy crowds of sweaty bodies. Joining Liam, Niall, Lou, Perrie and Aiden, they all started to party and dance to the music that was booming out loud.

From the corner of his eye, Harry could see Stan standing next to a smug Nick and a very pregnant Eleanor, who had her arm clinging to Louis' torso. Even though Harry knew that Louis was interested in him he still had jealousy growing out of nowhere. He tried to ignore it best he can. When 'Worth It' by Fifth Harmony came on the whole house erupted in a fit of laughter and joy and everyone was dancing. Aiden grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him into a joyous dance, they were happy and Aiden was just simple and not complicated and there was no agro or secrets there that made Harry feel uncomfortable around him. Aiden was just a great friend.

"So where's Amy been lately?" Liam asked

"Don't know. Don't care." Niall abruptly said

"You must be worried about where she went" Perrie suggested

"Not really. She said to me she was moving to Spain to visit her sick Grandma"

"Like that's the full truth" Lou said sarcastically, nibbling on Niall's ear.

"I honestly don't know. But I'm not going to worry, why should I?"

After that awkward conversation, Niall and the rest joined Harry and Aiden on the dance floor and they formed there own little dance circle. When he was mid-dance, Harry noticed Nick from the corner of his eye wink at him. Nick was being oddly nice, it was creepy. He seemed a little distant from Stan tonight than he normally does, like he was done with playing games and messing with Harry's head.

The music was turned down as Nick stood up on a table and waited for everyone's attention. Once everyone was quiet, he spoke.

"Thanks for coming tonight, I know it was kind of last minute. I just want to thank my best mate Stan for helping me organise it and everything. There's one more thing. You can probably guess that the stunning Eleanor has joined us tonight. With her devoted boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, that is standing by her every step of the way. But he might regret that once I'm finished." Nick nastily announced.

"What's he talking about?" Louis asked Eleanor

"I'm talking about that baby of yours. It's not yours. A little reliable source also known as Harry Styles mentioned it's the product of a one night stand between the dirty pair known as Eleanor and Stan. Thank you and goodnight" Nick got off the table and went upstairs.

Gasps filled the room as the news was digested by everyone. Suddenly, people started to leave the party leaving just Stan, Eleanor and Louis. Harry tried to escape the torture of what Louis was going to say until, Eleanor stopped him in his tracks. He stayed.

"Is this true?" Louis said gritting his teeth

"Yes" Eleanor croaked

"And you never thought of mentioning it? THAT YOU WERE DOING MY BEST FRIEND?!"

"It was only once" Stan replied


"IT WAS A DRUNKEN MISTAKE, I'M SORRY!" Stan shouted back which seemed to have flipped Louis off making him punch Stan square in this face. Blood was dripping and seeping into the carpet leaving stains.

"I am done. With you and Stan. How fucking dare you" Louis announced and stormed outside the house with Harry trailing behind.

"Louis! Louis!" Harry shouted

"WHAT HARRY?! HAPPY NOW? YOU FINALLY GOT WHAT YOU WANTED. No Eleanor. At the cost of me" Louis said with tears streaming.

"P-Please L-L-Louis I love you" Harry whimpered, begging for forgiveness.

"I wish I felt the same" Louis spoke. Walking away from Harry, he left him standing there in the dark of the night on his own. Harry was now alone, Louis wanted nothing to do with him, leaving Harry vulnerable and as lonely as ever.

Yours Sincerely, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now