Chapter 1 - I visited Heaven, have seen Hell

Start from the beginning


"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." – John 14:2

After a few seconds, I was already in a vision. I appeared instantly in heaven. Then I got awakened by the Lord's glorious light; His face was shining so bright, it was like a sun! He wears the same features when He visited me in my room. I then saw 8 angels with us. This moment is truly rewarding! I felt unexplained joy. Then He gracefully extended his right hand and said in a still, sweet voice "My daughter, Melea (he called me by name!) My daughter, I am glad that you made it here! I've been waiting for you, I have so many things to show you. Come! Arise!". I took His hand and stood on my feet.

I was completely stunned by the heavenly scene. I felt pure joy, peace, love and awe. Heaven is truly where we belong!

"But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God." – Acts 7:55

"But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." – Philippians 3:20


I will give the best of my ability to share the things I saw as they were too marvellously beautiful! There were no adequate words to describe it! Some things couldn't be fully understood or grasped by the human mind so I'm not going to disclose them. I noticed I was in a spirit form and a younger-looking one. I'm wearing a pure white long dress.

"Everyone on earth has a body like the body of the one who was made from the dust of the earth. And everyone in heaven has a body like the body of the one who came from heaven." – 1 Corinthians 15:48

I'm in full awe and admiration as we walk along the crystal clear river, as far as my eye could see. We stopped and the Lord told me "My daughter, drink." then I drank with my hands. It tastes so good! I've never drunk water as sweet and as soothing as this! I had great joy and peace! Afterwards, He said, "I know you love to swim. Come, submerge in the water!" I smiled and I submerged myself. While on the water, I can see different kinds of sea creatures, fishes, turtles, and they were alive! I heard the fishes talk. They said, "Hello, Melea!" It's as though they want to play with me. They were laughing, talking and praising the Lord. I noticed also that I can talk and smile. I said, "Oh Lord, this is so awesome!" I was also waterproof!

I laughed and had great joy! After that, I noticed my clothes aren't wet at all. Jesus smiled at me (I couldn't see His face, but I know His lips moved every time He smiled) then He picked a rose made of a crystal or diamond. I couldn't tell. It's shining in brilliance! Then I was shocked when it bowed unto Him! I was so amazed! Then He gave it to me. I held the rose and had an unspeakable joy!

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." - John 14:3

As we walk and watch in astonishment, I can see that this place is truly exhilarating! I can't find words to describe it accurately! I don't want to wake up anymore! I saw two huge rainbows in a soft blue sky. There were radiant colours and hues of all sorts. I saw green upright trees; they perfectly match the overall view. I realized earth has a similarity to heaven, but heaven is more magnificent! I noticed we were already walking on a golden solid path; there are gemstones and the like at every corner. This is truly astonishing! On earth, people are dying to get gold, but here, it's just a street! Afterwards, we walked on grass so green, and then we reached a nice sculptured golden bench. We sat there for a moment and start conversing. I told Him heaven is where I want to spend eternity. We shared many other things that are to be kept private.

I saw Heaven and Hell (My real life story) | Iyah MeleaWhere stories live. Discover now